Gray Aliens Examination -welcome to the conspiracy....

This site is dedicated to the close encounter experiencer and open minded individual seeking to further their understanding of alien abduction amid the complex phenomena surrounding the Gray Aliens. Side issues may include Beings of Light, Reptilians, dreams, self hypnosis, telepathy and ESP as well as taking a closer look at the alien species itself in the grey alien examination series.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Alien Experiences and Belief Systems


Life's a funny thing and I just have to post this mini-rant: Glancing at the title of another post I am concurrently writing - gray aliens and cats, it occurs to me that only those readers who are familiar with my way of thinking, by having read numerous previous posts, will understand where I am coming from and how I conjecture. And here I should add my family and close friends, as well.

Superficially, it sounds as though I have jumped on the Grays Aliens Abduction bandwagon and believe all manner of far out things, a real nut job to the uninitiated.

Oddly, nothing could be further from the truth. I don't especially believe in anything, you know. Not really. Belief's a waste of time, in my book. I've had some very weird experiences, and have been privy to those of others, and I am merely curious to understand these things. I despise labels, and out-of-hand rhetoric. Additionally, I don't want one more quasi-religious or metaphysical dogma to hang my hat on. If anything, I've become more skeptical, more critical in my thinking as time goes on.

I believe, (and this is where it truly stops and starts), that there exists a large something that we little monkeys have yet to understand. And, insofar as I am limited by words/language to investigate/dissect and ultimately describe this something, it is easy to be misunderstood.

Throughout man's unfortunate history, people have suffered, sacrificed and DIED for beliefs - be they of the religious, political, scientific or social variety. What a God awful waste of life, of time, of learning. And I refuse to be part of it.

I don't care who you are or what you believe, you are logically in error purely because you do not, cannot know everything, because you don't have all the information and knowledge upon which to base your belief system. The same goes for moi.

I read a rather interesting little line, a remark attributed to an extraterrestrial that went something like this, "Believe only in what you, yourself, can take apart and put back together". Good advice, in my opinion.

So no, I don't believe in labels. Not really. Not in demi-gods and demons, aliens and entities per se. I do believe in a Source I cannot define, in a larger picture I can't yet see. Or fully understand.

To conclude this mini-rant of a post, if we must believe in something (and many of us MUST in order to justify the world we find ourselves in) ... let's try believing in each other a little more. The 'do no harm' type of thing. Let's believe in our capacity to think, to love, to lend succor and show compassion. We don't need an alien encounter to boost our sense of self-importance, to be told we 'are special and have been chosen'. We don't need an angelic manifestation to confirm our right to be loved. These things are magnificent mysteries, but let's not NEED them quite so much. Let's grow up, shall we?

I think we need to ditch the labels, and show more discernment per belief systems. Be grateful and show thanks where thanks is due, and assume personal responsibility for your thoughts and deeds. Whether your encounter is of the angelic or alien variety, don't fall prey to emotional neediness. Children may do so, but we adults know better. Nothing in this world is either BLACK OR WHITE.

Only shades of Gray ...

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