Gray Aliens Examination -welcome to the conspiracy....

This site is dedicated to the close encounter experiencer and open minded individual seeking to further their understanding of alien abduction amid the complex phenomena surrounding the Gray Aliens. Side issues may include Beings of Light, Reptilians, dreams, self hypnosis, telepathy and ESP as well as taking a closer look at the alien species itself in the grey alien examination series.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Grays Aliens and Imagination for Contact

Can we connect with the gray aliens, with reptilians, with humanoids unknown and unguessed at? Can we instigate contact with the angels, with the astral, with the unimaginable denizens undoubtedly teeming in vast numbers throughout the twisting, spiralling, expanding hallway of time and space?

It's 4:13 a.m., and I sit here in a quiet house, a darkened room where the monitor is the only semblance of connection between my subjective self and an objective world at large. The world I experience, in these tenuous moments before the sun quivers in early morning surprise, before dogs begin to bark, alarm clocks to ring, and life bustles into existence cloaked within the guise of sentience on a mission to the mundane ... the world I experience in this slice of infinite here and now is poised and waiting, empty yet expectant ... and I fill this space with thoughts uniquely my own, in the hopes of touching minds I will never meet.

What would it be like to arise unbeknownst in a place hidden and unacknowledged, to stretch my soul across miles unmeasurable and gamble on a turn of the dice that a connection might be made?

Would we know a success, discern an answer, or understand the nature of such a connection? And do we need the scientists, the Ufologists, the researchers, the experts, the enlightened, the saviors ... do we really need anyone but ourselves to show us the way ... ?

As the above may indicate, my ego awareness at this quiet moment is more reflective than usual. There is more of the prose than the practical. The scales of Osiris weigh heavily of the right brain, and my left brain obediently types as imagination directs:

" And when the eye opened and saw there were no limits, that all resided within the one, and the one became All That Was and Ever Shall Be, without end "

So I wonder and consider ... is imagination the key after all? Can we lay quietly supine, the world barred from our door with body at rest, mind relaxed, and stretch forth a single thought ... a single question ... an SOS of the soul ... and make that connection to another place, another mind. Without researchers and rockets, without mathematics or magic.

More importantly by far, can we also lay quiet, silently expectant in the hush of the forest ... and hear the tree fall, over mountains and valleys beyond, and know the tree for what it is? Have we missed the signal, the sign, the connection? Were we too busy, too loud, too distracted with the here and now to hear the pin drop? Were we too impatient to hush but a moment, with ears open/mouths closed?

Are you or I brave enough to extend a hand through the darkness, with no reassurance nor guarantee as to what might clasp it in the shadows? Will we imagine aliens, angels and demons from our own expectations, or will a true unknown shake our hand on the other side?

Imagine. Stretch. Call out. Hush...


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