Gray Aliens Examination -welcome to the conspiracy....

This site is dedicated to the close encounter experiencer and open minded individual seeking to further their understanding of alien abduction amid the complex phenomena surrounding the Gray Aliens. Side issues may include Beings of Light, Reptilians, dreams, self hypnosis, telepathy and ESP as well as taking a closer look at the alien species itself in the grey alien examination series.

Thursday, June 9, 2011


For a change, I'm keeping this one short and simple - hence the title 'CLICK'. What I am referring to here is the mysterious click one may hear open exiting or reentering the human body in the wake of an OBE [Out of Body Experience].

Some people report hearing this *metallic* or sharply hollow sound accompanied by the heavy dross weight of the human body once again encapsulating their etheric form upon returning from NDEs [Near Death Experiences] as well.

So what the deuce is this sound anyway? Or rather, what is the mechanism responsible for the *click* heard round the world, as it were? Are we talking something as prosaic as a common auditory hallucination?

Or something more?

I've heard this myself, just a few times - so there's a vested interest in putting this question out there. In my case, the most recent, the *click* sounded like a robot had snapped it's fingers both inside and outside my head - without any perceived direction the sound had issued from.

But whatever the case may be, I find it wonderfully intriguing that this sound somehow seems to signal - like a mechanism designed especially for this exact purpose - the physical body springing open and releasing its contents, or swinging closed like a trap or iron maiden of yore.

One has to wonder [well, this one does at any rate] if indeed there is some type of vibratory/frequency gadgetry at work by who knows whom/what, where, when and for what ultimate purpose.

Which leads me down the speculative path [admittedly a long path with too many twists and turns] of those supposedly higher intelligences who would have designed such a thing in the first place.

(For some silly reason I'm seeing wee sparks of soul lights popped into the human form, assembly line style, like a sardine factory.)

Anyway, just curious about the whole *click* thing. Any input would be greatly appreciated~

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