Gray Aliens Examination -welcome to the conspiracy....

This site is dedicated to the close encounter experiencer and open minded individual seeking to further their understanding of alien abduction amid the complex phenomena surrounding the Gray Aliens. Side issues may include Beings of Light, Reptilians, dreams, self hypnosis, telepathy and ESP as well as taking a closer look at the alien species itself in the grey alien examination series.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Dangerous Ghosts - Caution and Common Sense and The Famous Zombie Word Alert

(Time once again to get serious, resume 'work' and lay further foundation for the next round of paranormal exploration - The Sapient5)

Make no mistake: Whatever, whoever or however ghosts may be, they are real, as such, and sometimes pose a danger to those who chance within their range of interface.

Beyond the mere creation of tulpas/energetic thought forms - ghosts, at least those possessed with a modicum of self awareness and freedom of action, may exhibit envy of the living, confusion as regards their etheric state, and a deeply egotistic need to re-establish their place within the material/physical world.

However, as evidenced by right-brained dominant dream behavior by those of us still 'living', many ghosts may have little to no control in the sense of rational, logical and deductive reasoning skills necessary to successfully 'cope' within their new found plane of existence. They are hampered by the right side of the mirror-state of consciousness, and may require weeks, months, years, eons to fully grasp the mechanics required to operate within the astral (for lack of a better term) realm. When we consider how difficult it is for most of us to conduct ourselves with any degree of logical, left-brained behavior within our nightly dreams, so may the same hold true for humanity's deceased.

This is more important than many of the living realize, for one day they, too, shall walk** within these same etheric shoes and face the same dilemma. It is crucial now, while we are yet alive, that we learn to successfully negotiate the darkened corridors of the mind, how to tame and harness our emotions, and how to correctly recognize/read the metaphoric language of the right brain hemisphere - for we will surely 'flip' sides of the consciousness coin once our last breath has expired. Reality, as experienced by man's current state of consciousness, operates as a mirror device. The yin/yang; the primal dichotomy; the indrawn and outdrawn breath of God.

So then, with a greater understanding of the mechanics of death, and where we will someday find ourselves, what is it that makes a ghost, shade, spook, potentially dangerous to the living? It is precisely this right brain dominated state of operation, for there is less the influence of left brain rationality imposed upon the ego.

Consider the near manic height, the extreme of emotion as occasionally experienced in dreams. If we were to exhibit this degree of raw emotional response on a daily, waking beta state - we would be delusional at best and psychotic at worst. Emotions - in the dream state - are of such an unshackled variety, so raw with anguish, the intensity so unbearable as to render our morning awakenings a relief, an escape if you will. Now imagine that this emotional extreme was your normal, everyday modus operandi ...

That, I believe, is the danger - the inherent difficulty - of interfacing with the Dead, at least some of them. For whatever reason, (aside from the energetic recordings/playbacks and other non-sentient 'ghostly' interfaces), many of humanity's dead simply cannot be properly reasoned with. Literally, they may have truly 'lost' their ability TO reason. They no longer have access to their left brain faculties.

For these beings, the mirror is reversed. What was left becomes right, and so forth.

The solution, if such can be said, would be to gently, persistently stimulate the left brain functions of the deceased, and downplay the sensationalistic, emotion-inducing tactics displayed by the naive, curiosity seeking ghost hunter. Simply put, do not add more fuel to the fire. Do not feed the right brain state of the ghost, keep one's own emotions under tight check, and remain cool/calm.

Personally, I cringe whenever I see or hear about someone taunting or engaging in otherwise provocative behavior when they are trying to 'flush out' a suspected ghost. Such behavior would be deemed disrespectful, rude and aggressive by any living individual, and certainly cannot be appreciated by those who are not. Because, whether living or dead, people are still people - let's remember that from now on.

A final word of caution: in my opinion, the height of folly and irresponsible behavior comes about when we prowl around in sanitariums, prisons, abandoned hospitals and such in our quest for ghosts. These souls were ill/unpredictable/dangerous when alive. Death, with its tendency to flip consciousness, may not have improved matters any.

A little common sense seems to be in order.

Updated 9/3/2009:

I realize that some of my readers may not have a full understanding regarding the mirror state of consciousness in specific, nor the mirror state of reality in general. In all seriousness, I cannot recommend enough that interested individuals (or those who suspect they may have experienced interfaces with the deceased) familiarize themselves with this phenomenon of consciousness.

A truly excellent book on the subject, one of the best known to me and far more elucidating than my postings could ever hope to be, is called The Lost Secret of Death by Peter Novak. In absolute honesty, if one could ever hope to attain a rock-bottom foundation on which to build a sincerely educated understanding of the paranormal field, Mr. Novak's book is a must-have starting point. (as a quick aside, please check out my list of recommended books - there are many worthwhile ones on this list)

Furthermore, should an interested reader wish to validate the mirror state (or Binary Soul Doctrine) for himself, it is a simple matter best accomplished by paying the closest of attentions to any and all details as remembered in one's dreams. Given sufficient recollection, one will then notice/remember many suggestions of 'reversal'. E.g. - if one is short and plump with black hair in 'waking life', one may see themselves as tall, thin and blonde. And so forth.

Whether or not this yin/yang mirror phenonema is indicative of the true workings of reality, or simply how man's consciousness experiences reality, is a matter of debate (and a subject of no little import, in my opinion). I could go on, but I'll save this one for later postings ~

** Zombie Word Alert: While most humans can easily discern in advance an approaching zombie by his stiff, erratic gate, and thus seek a proper zombie-reinforced shelter or simply run like heck, behavioral scientists have recently noted a rather unfortunate similarity between the 'zombie walk' and pop-music enthusiasts clumsy rendition of 'walk like an Egyptian' dance moves. This mis-identification has led to several avoidable mishaps with shotguns, and as such, has led to a bill currently under consideration in Congress to ban dances such as The Funky Chicken, Egyptian Dance, The Frug, The Swim, and may go so far as to include The Mosh. Please write your local congressperson to protect your rights to simulate the Undead, as proposed under Article 1221-457 of the Anti-Zombie Act of 1997. Thank you.

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