Gray Aliens Examination -welcome to the conspiracy....

This site is dedicated to the close encounter experiencer and open minded individual seeking to further their understanding of alien abduction amid the complex phenomena surrounding the Gray Aliens. Side issues may include Beings of Light, Reptilians, dreams, self hypnosis, telepathy and ESP as well as taking a closer look at the alien species itself in the grey alien examination series.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Same Ol' Drama and the Famous Zombie Word Alert

Yesterday I spent many long, tedious hours surfing the Internet for information pertaining to the gray alien enigma, and - while this won't make me popular - I was absolutely appalled at the amount of utter nonsense b.s. I came across! What, in God's name, is wrong with people that they are so desperate for drama, for fiction, for conspiracy ... words simply fail me.

My intent, mind you, was to uncover complimentary information as might pertain to those I have dubbed Sapient5 (whom I will elaborate on in upcoming posts).

Sadly, what I encountered instead was a plethora of alleged races, beings, entities - akin to a game of Dungeons and Dragons - and, central to the purpose of these alien entities, was - naturally, man and/or planet Earth.

Same old song and dance.

So, let's pour ourselves a big cup of logic and regain a little objectivity, folks. I feel this is necessary before I proceed any further in my postings, since I never know where a 'noobie' has stepped in, nor what post he/she would happen to come across. Since this is my dime, my work, my life and time - I get to call the shots.

Still with me? Good.

Now, here is just a partial list of the supposed alien players I came across:




























+++ others**

Well now. I had no idea man was so important, nor Earth so coveted. Wouldn't you think that at least some of these species, especially those so highly evolved and technically superior, would have something better to do with their time? Or look for greener pastures? This nonsense is like turbo Star Wars.

So here's what I think. The known universe is huge. Immense. Really, really large. Lots of stars, planets, places to go and things to do. It only seems logical that there do exist countless species, races, lifeforms - higher, lower, sideways, etc - planted here and there. Has to be. Some of these we would no doubt recognize as sentient, others perhaps not. Irregardless, it's not too unlikely that at least one race out there has discovered Earth - though at what window of time would be a guess. Maybe yesterday, maybe three days after the mountains formed. Or maybe outside of time in a way we can't fully understand at the moment.

Nevertheless, a lot of what has been supposed as actual, living, material personages is actually early man's anthropomorphism of stars, planets, comets, and so forth. These weren't people, ok. So that knocks a few players off the ET board.

Reptilian blood drinkers? Satanists? Sounds like psychosis. And, despite the alleged need for these individuals to gain human energy through negative emotions, open portals, and so forth, at our early stage of the 21st century man, himself, can do better than that. We can induce all manner of brain wave states with, what has come to be, common technology. There is no need to skulk under cover of graveyards, inner sanctums, earthly ley lines and all the rest. A lot of work, a lot of risk, and very immature. If there is any shred of truth to this particular theory (negative reptilian energy/blood seeking portal opening/satan (Saturn btw) worshiping entities, they might as well as be walking to the grocery store instead of jumping in the car and pressing a gas pedal. Too inefficient, too much wasted time. The long way around. Doesn't make sense.

(now, I am certainly not stating that disturbed individuals do not exist, nor that there are no evolved, sentient reptilian entities about. But if they need our blood, flesh, etc there would be easier ways to obtain it. Any intelligent, powerful species would have discovered this, at least by coming into contact with man's own scientific advances in so many diverse areas. As far as a planned overthrow of the Planet, NWO, enslavement of human kind {although I do think we will eventually be united in a type of one-world-order}, okay... THEN what? The solar system? The galaxy? The universe? The multiverse? THEN what? doesn't make sense either, for consumption has its limits. As does power. THEN what? think about the end result here.)

Okay. So we have drama and intrigue out the wazzoo. Well, of course we do. Man is still animal enough, albeit intelligent enough, to engage in espionage, deceit, power play, survival struggle, yada yada ... and so we color all else with the same brush. Once WE evolve, so shall our antagonists, trust me. They always have, they always do. They always will.

As I see it, one of the largest hurdles and easiest areas in which to manipulate common man, is that we lamentably cannot imagine beyond what we know. We can imagine variations/combinations of those things, those traits, those purposes of which we are already familiar. But we cannot truly imagine that which is completely unfamiliar - in some way or shape - to information we already possess. The human brain simply does not allow for it. Thus, for man to enlarge upon his starting point, is a slow and tedious path, where in the end Z may be light years beyond its relationship to A, but still in all it was a continuous forward march with one step leading to the next. Anything, any color beyond our available spectrum, cannot be imagined nor understood. We have to acquire this understanding, this vision in a series of steps. Otherwise it is either invisible to us, or nonsensical magic. We have to earn our comprehension.

So here in again, we find ourselves embroiled in another war for what we possess. Sure, the players now have starships (maybe they always did?), they are either 1) disinterested (neutral) 2) for us (good guys) or 3) against us (bad guys). Or man against man, man against self, man against God/nature. Same ol, same ol.

With as utterly astounding and so rich a potential as life in our known universe must surely contain, we're never going to experience our share of it if we don't cut out the nonsense. Whether I am correct in this or not, time will tell. It usually does. But anything, anybody, any entity or lifeform allegedly still mired in the struggle for energetic/material 'goods' is truly not worth our while. We've been there, done that (still are). We need new friends to play with. We've (surely folks) outgrown the need for the same old drama, it gets us nowhere fast.

Let's try to stretch our boundaries just a wee bit. Break out of the perceptual/cultural box. Expand our imagination, our capabilities and ignore anything that keeps us within the same old worn-out paradigm. Let's take another step forward in our thinking. Until we open the door for higher exposure, we are standing in the dark. There are races, species, entities beyond our wildest imaginations. Forget the experts, no one agrees. Forget the drama of good vs evil, there is really no such thing.

Try thinking outside of the three-sided box (A, B, combination of both).

What would a species be like that has overcome entropy, survival need, time, space, matter, motives of altruism - curiosity - judgment, boredom, megalomania, apathy and desire? Where DO we go from here? How do we get beyond that which we are already familiar with? Can we? What characteristics, traits, agendas, goals, motives might there be that we have yet to conceive of? That is where we must turn our imaginative energies. And it has to be done laboriously, step by step.

A journey worth taking, I think.

** Zombie Word Alert: Others may or may not include zombies. No one really knows where their allegiance lies, as they are very tight lipped (those still possessing lips or a reasonable facsimile thereof) about their political/paranormal affiliations. When in conversation with a zombie, it is considered bad manners to inquire.


  1. im really intersted. can u teach me how to contact them! i mean if u want. thanks for your time:) I want to know more!

  2. Hi again Brian - I left you a much longer response to your other comment, as for this one (if you can afford it) try the Hemi-Sync tapes/program.

    OR simply concentrate, focus and (prior to sleep) mentally state your intention/desire for a genuine contact with an ET. Pretend you are making a phone call, wrting a letter, etc. Again, don't get freaked out by nerves, fear of demons and all that nonsense. Especially if you should happen to meet the phantasms of your own psyche first (the mirror effect).

    Keep a good sense of humor, an objective mind, and don't fall into any emotional 'traps'. Believe me, the universe hasn't run amok with demons and blood drinking aliens battling over man's puny energy/flesh. All that is so stereotypical of a primitive mindset - and we need to be better than that. You don't need to worship or fear anything, just have fun & go with the flow.

    An added suggestion: read The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot.

    The real mystery lays between our ears, not between galaxies :)

    Good luck in all you do!
