Gray Aliens Examination -welcome to the conspiracy....

This site is dedicated to the close encounter experiencer and open minded individual seeking to further their understanding of alien abduction amid the complex phenomena surrounding the Gray Aliens. Side issues may include Beings of Light, Reptilians, dreams, self hypnosis, telepathy and ESP as well as taking a closer look at the alien species itself in the grey alien examination series.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Paranormal Potluck and the Famous Zombie Word Alert

Or: How to Annoy Just About Everybody on the Other Side

I don't know why my mind works the way it does. Honestly. If I hadn't been so blasted sick these last few weeks, with one silly thing after another, we'd already be pineal deep in ghosts and aliens, and especially the shaping, making and dissection of a theoretical entity I've dubbed, at least for the moment, Sapient5 (beyond the Gray Aliens, you know) (Way beyond...)

Instead, I am sitting here scabbed over from 3 weeks of poison ivy. Despite my ego's insistence that I am an evolved and higher-minded 'old soul' - - - all that is apparently a LIE because, as I am sitting here typing these words, I am first and foremost an itchy and ill-tempered monkey and I want to feel better ASAP so I can get back to the things I.WANT.TO.DO.

Oh, ... I almost forgot ... I just turned 52 (both my bust and uterus are in a race to see which one can fall the fastest) so I'm also feeling the age thing this week. AND my favorite mouse has mysteriously shot craps; the one I've replaced it with is suspiciously contrary, roams, jumps text, and (it seems plausible) - is possessed by Satan.

So maybe it's the fever, or the fact that I seem to have a surfeit of ghosts/dead friends/relatives popping in and out of my dreams lately like paranormal popcorn ... but as my mind's a funny little thing and not always prone to high-minded matters ...

I thought it might be amusing to take a lighter look at Gray Aliens, ghoulies and goblins.
Why must we be so depressingly serious all the time anyway?

God, we love our drama! Someone is always trying to trick us, deceive us, use and abuse us. Enslave us. TPTB. A One World Order. We are always at the heart of some nefarious plot or other. The entire universe, astral plane, heaven and hell, et al ad nausea revolves (how apt) around mankind.

Sure it does.

We are high frequencied, 12-stranded DNA with some shut off, powered-down, forgetful and forgotten godlings who must - surprise surprise - resist the negative influences of our Earthly abode to enter into the 4th and 5th dimensional realms that call beyond the veil superimposed on humanity's awareness.


Mind you, I'm not stating that the above isn't true. It's just so 'old school'. So here's some new school stuff to kick around:

Think your home is haunted? By a real, sentient, self-aware entity/dead person? Not a self-generated poltergeist or energetic replay, but an honest to goodness ghost? Make up a few signs that read YOU ARE DEAD/THE YEAR IS NOW 2009/YOU MISSED THE LIGHT/etc etc and leave these around your home (you might want to put these away when company is expected).

Furthermore - due to the mirror effect of consciousness - letter these signs in the mirror/backwards fashion so they may be easily understood by the deceased. AND - if you don't feel like a complete fruit cake** doing this - rather than ordering your ghostly guest to begone - you might try communicating in this manner, at least for a couple of experimental shots just to see what happens. For example, invite your ghost to a game of chess, to watch a movie with you, enjoy a book reading and so forth. But do keep in mind that they are now the opposite of YOU - you are particle, they are wave. You are left brained, they are right. And so forth. Just play around and see what happens.

Or don't. It's your call, not mine.

More fun and frolic - want to test The Powers That Be? Want to see just how far you are or are NOT empowered? Okay then. Become neutral. Stop spewing your angst and energy all over heck and back like a firehose run amok. Do not emotionally react (to the news, to the alerts, to the economy, to the foreclosures, etc etc). Own your own energy. Don't picket, don't protest. Also, quit buying crap you don't need. Downsize from the 1,800 ft. home with three TVs that you don't need in the first place, and can no longer afford. Instead of whining and wailing, take a long walk. Do a little thinking. Come home and put your crap on eBay, host a neighborhood yard sale, buy a sack of flour and packet of yeast and learn how to bake your own bread. Quit surfing the Internet for things you don't need and can't afford. Walk to work. Use your head and save your heart. Clean up your own backyard before attempting to clean up the world. Mind your place. I know I get preachy, but really, it's all common sense. We just get so worked up over things seemingly beyond our control, we forget the basics.

Speaking of basics. You do understand how energetic focus actually works, I presume? It doesn't matter if the belief clothing is voodoo, hoodoo, Christianity, satanism, etc. All that is window dressing. Applied conscientious focus/directed energy is the key - in an Alpha brain wave state usually induced by monotone, ritual, candles, chant, and so forth. All else is minutia, when one gets right down to basics. Just like 'gravity' doesn't particularly 'care' if it's used for good or ill, the same applies to other energetic forces across the board. Energy is amoral.

And as such, it's fun to play with. And there is nothing disrespectful, sacrilegious or otherwise about it. The good/bad lays in how a person directs energy, that's all. An apple isn't bad, but if I chuck one at somebody's head and maybe do them an injury - that is bad. Capeesh? So I wonder what it would be like to take a slinky, or a tin can, or maybe a wad of chewing gum with a plastic flower jammed in the center, and direct my attention there?

Start looking for aliens and angels, look hard, and you'll begin to see them everywhere.

This is what reality does when it is impressed by consciousness. The harder/deeper/frequent the impression - the faster the result. For every action there is an equal/opposite RE-action. Remember this always.

Don't take your tulpas so seriously. Invite a ghost to dinner. Buy a toy babydoll and leave it for the aliens to 'abduct'. Put a glass of V8 on the nightstand for thirsty vampires. Plan a nice, quiet romantic evening with an Angel (remember, they do have a thing for the daughters of man - or so it was said). Play chess with a ouija board. ( I don't know why, but this just popped into my mind - has anyone ever thrown things BACK at a poltergeist??? )

Life, when we remember to be at peace with death, becomes just too, too funny.
Gentle play never hurt anyone ~

**Zombie Word Alert: No matter how well intentioned, it is never a good idea to give a zombie a fruit cake! Even if it's Christmas Eve, you're out of cash, the stores are closed, and Aunt Emma's lastest batch of holiday fruit cakes are buckling the kitchen counter. NEVER give a zombie a fruit cake. It is better to look like the cheapskate, low-life, self-centered puny human that you are, than to give one of the living dead something that could well turn out to be a deadly weapon used to smash your tasty brains out! God help us all if zombies should ever learn to cook...

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