Gray Aliens Examination -welcome to the conspiracy....

This site is dedicated to the close encounter experiencer and open minded individual seeking to further their understanding of alien abduction amid the complex phenomena surrounding the Gray Aliens. Side issues may include Beings of Light, Reptilians, dreams, self hypnosis, telepathy and ESP as well as taking a closer look at the alien species itself in the grey alien examination series.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Avatar & Aliens - The Watchers Inside Each of Us

The concept of alien observants is actually a plausible one, an idea I've seriously entertained for many years and conjectured about, both on this blog and in the privacy of conversations with interested parties (even disinterested parties on a slow day lol).

Ideally, if one were to desire the most accurate of information as regards a diverse species, the only way to garner such data would be from a type of 'inhabitation' of the species itself, from the inside of the particular species in question. Any lesser means of information gathering would result in bias, misunderstanding and contaminated data because, for accuracy's sake, any being/species once aware it is being observed alters its behavior. We see this conundrum in wildlife study, hence our current reliance on closed circuit cameras.

As nutty as the idea of an internal, subjective alien interloper first appears - stop and really think about it for a moment. Break down the logistics and you'll see what I mean. Avatar, in its basic thrust, captured this self-same conjecture. Anyway, let's consider the following ...

The Universe is seriously large, folks. Mind bending type of large. The type of really, really big that makes the idea of life elsewhere not only plausible, but mathematically a certainty.

Okay, most of us are educated to this idea and have no problem with the conception of extraterrestrial life extant in the Universe. It's when we consider that 'alien' beings could somehow visit Earth that derision rears it's ugly head.

In other words, it's a given that life, and lots of it, should exist out there, just so long as it remains out there, and not running amok on good ol' planet Earth. That just seems silly, given the distances involved. Right?


Just because the recently (in cosmic time) evolved hominid aka Man, has yet to develop the ways and means beyond the distance factor, has precious little to do with the ways and means of other intergalactic species. We could have said the same thing about nuclear energy two centuries ago. Or electricity, or anything thing else for that matter. It's where you are on the game board, that's all. Everything, pretty much, is simply a matter of time - of getting from point A to point B. Everything, eventually, is a given.

So let us not judge the prowess of others based upon our own (Although I've said, and still do, that light will be the pinnacle of space travel, not a souped up Chevy - we're just not there yet. But that's another topic so we'll save it for now).

Thus far, we've got the rather basic rational that the Universe contains life beyond this planet. Nature isn't wasteful HERE, and not likely anywhere else. Where life can develop, according to its needs, it absolutely will so do.

A) Aliens Exist
B) Some of these beings will be sentient. Those sentient beings will be all along the scale of energy development: From fire to fission to whathaveyou.

Now, taking into account the sentient alien species with a level of energetic technology similar to our own, those beings are likely still playing around in their own back yards, in much the same way that we are playing around in ours, getting to know our own various solar systems. Just like children learning to explore within the safe confines of our respective neighborhoods. Not too hard a concept to fathom, eh?

But there are bound to be some bigger kids out there, they are the ones who have the means and ways, the discoveries and intellect (perhaps) to venture beyond their respective neighborhoods. And, again, given the size of the known Universe (God knows what else lays 'out there') ... there are bound to be some bigger, and likely a LOT bigger 'kids' or alien races flitting about.

Those bigger, or more energetically savvy of the bunch, and possessed of the need or mere curiosity to explore, are certainly doing so. God knows WE would, and do, to the best of our current abilities. We explore. We gather information. We learn. We experiment.

WE do these things, and man is quite likely not the only intelligent, sentient race of beings involved in such pastimes. Again, given the mathematical logistics - there are no doubt just BUNCHES and bunches of explorers flitting here and yon in the good ol' Universe, let alone our galactic suburb.

For all that matter, Earth's galactic suburb - the Milky Way/Sagittarius Dwarf co-mix, is amply large enough for our mathematical logistics - we don't even NEED to factor in the rest of the Universe for the purpose of this discussion. *Remember, kids, learning begins at home* lol

Going back now, to the original idea of a subjective explorer. Honestly, if it could be done, by us, them, or whoever, it should and would be done subjectively, from the inside out. Again, logically and honestly, bare bones with no quasi Sci-Fi theatrics - and given the technical means to do so ... the most accurate, safest and unobtrusive fact finding, information gathering process would have to be conducted from the skin out!

Regardless of how far-fetched (to some) this idea appears, there is simply no way around it, no sound argument to be had against the logic. Again, if information could be gathered in such a way, then this would be the ultimately ideal way to explore other life forms.

Think of it, there would be safety against physical contamination (as the physical form of the explorer would not be placed in danger via contact). There would little to no risk of incurring the wrath of the indigenous species. There would be little to no risk of the explorer opening up his world, his home and fellow beings to future visits/retaliation by the galactic wildlife (what trail would there be to follow?) There would be the greatest opportunity for learning, without fear of contamination or mis-understanding.

Subjectively inhabiting the mind of an alien species would be the safest, surest, most unobtrusive, and accurate means by which to learn. By experience. (Can anyone say reincarnation here? - makes a person wonder, doesn't it? All this talk about body/soul. Hmm... maybe WE, as well, are alien explorers? Wouldn't it be wild if MAN was the flea in the primate's ear?!)(Wouldn't surprise me at all. Will somebody please get me outta this monkey suit lol)(Not really but kinda sorta)

Without fear of contaminating one's nest, or misunderstandings occurant, to subjectively inhabit an alien being would be the PINNACLE of learning. And, believe me, if man can conceive the idea - albeit through fiction - somebody else will, can and has as well.

You can bet your math on it.

Would the above concept be that which fuels the Watcher concept? That of a non-interfering, neutral and objective Watcher. One who co-inhabits the life form of a diverse species in order to gain learning. One who subjectively observes it's subjects.

And, because my warped little mind works this way, if the above WERE to be true in OUR case (and I hope I've shown why it's not THAT unlikely an idea) - then the question begs to be asked ... can WE observe BACK?????

Can the watched, once aware of it's subjective partner, observe the observer? Can the alien watch the alien watching the alien?

Can a meeting ground, so to speak, of minds be established? I mean, without going smack dab nuts? Without getting lost in the hallways of the mind or in the corridors of consciousness?

If this were to be the case, that a co-inhabited species were to become aware of an intruder from within, could the species in question 'turn the tables' on the intruder? Or would there be checkpoints and fail safes pre-established to prevent such from happening?

In the event of, oh ... let's say MAN, just for 'fun' ... were man to discover himself inhabited by an alien Watcher ... would there be a psychic trail available for him to follow back to the 'source'?

Hmm ... all sounds kind of familiar, doesn't it?

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