Gray Aliens Examination -welcome to the conspiracy....

This site is dedicated to the close encounter experiencer and open minded individual seeking to further their understanding of alien abduction amid the complex phenomena surrounding the Gray Aliens. Side issues may include Beings of Light, Reptilians, dreams, self hypnosis, telepathy and ESP as well as taking a closer look at the alien species itself in the grey alien examination series.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Secret Power of the Mind Part III

Affirmations for Abundance, Wealth without Worry

It's vital to understand that your subconscious mind fully accepts all input from YOU - the ego, conscious mind - as absolute TRUTHS! The subconscious mind does not doubt, question, deny the validity of what your thoughts consist of - all data received is equal, and the subconscious mind acts on the most prominent, the most oft repeated 'thoughts' first and foremost.

Should YOU, the programmer, repeatedly declare that "MONEY" is the 'root of all evil', then your subconscious will equate - as truth - evil & money being synonymous, bringing forth into your objective life experience events, situations, and everything else suggestive of such. Your inner subjective thinking will be made objectively manifest, and the speed at which this manifestation occurs will largely hinge of the emotions which fuel these negative thoughts, and the frequency which which they are 'downloaded' (by YOU) into the subconscious mind.

If we think of the subconscious mind in terms of an ultra super computer, we can begin to get a clear cut, bare bones idea of what is actually happening here:

We, the conscious mind, are continuously downloading data into this incredible, biological super computer. It has NO OTHER INPUT than THAT which WE give it. Therefore (and here's the catch) our subconscious super computer can only PRODUCE RESULTS in KEEPING with it's equivalents. For some miraculous, and as yet unknown reason, the human mind is pre-installed with this program - as within, so without.

The human mind interfaces with and affects the 'stuff' of which reality is made! The end result is what we experience as our day to day living.

This cannot be emphasized enough. Whatsoever you put into the 'Matrix' will be spewed back at you, sooner or later. Unfortunately, most of us see these spewings as confirmations of the accuracy of our own negative thinking ... never realizing that we've trapped ourselves in a vicious cycle of completely of our own making.

Therefore, should you desire a bathtub full of cash, be attentive to your thoughts, and to what 'data' you are downloading into your own, private super computer. Remember at all times, you are operating within a program of subject = objective.

Fully understanding all of the above, the secret power of the mind seems almost absurdly simple. How is it, then, that most of us are not walling in wads of cash? If this power program of mind is really so simple, why are not more of us millionaires just for the asking?

The reason for this is that most of us are not clear, dedicated, consistent thinkers. We are easily distracted, easily defeated, and, according to science, are only capable of keeping 5-7 items in the forefront of our attention. We need look no farther than traffic fatalities to understand at a glance how man's stream of immediate focus is such a precarious, easily obstructed thing.

Madison Avenue knows this. Have you noticed how many commercials have gotten sharper, edgier, with quick, concise bursts of information?

Anyway, so here you are. Eagerly aquiver to acquire absolutely gallons of green stuff. You start off with your best intentions, positive mantra at hand, good thoughts, images of a fat bank account dancing through your head, affirmative reminders placed around the house ...

But you must FIRST deal with the results from all the PREVIOUS data you've already downloaded into your subconscious. As much as you may earnestly desire to cultivate an excellent crop of wheat, you have to DEAL with the fact that before you decided you wanted wheat ... you put CORN into the ground.

Today, right now, this very moment, you are harvesting the results of PREVIOUS thoughts planted/downloaded into the subconscious. It will require patience, dedication, clear thinking and attention to ride out the withering process. Make no mistake, your previous crop WILL falter and die. Given time, one's patience and unshakable belief in a NEW crop will cause the old to disappear.

This is a very crucial period. The passing of the old 'reality' and the inception of the new. This is where too many become disappointed, disbelieving, and fans once again of good ol' pessimistic Joe Blow at the office water cooler. This is where one's thinking, if not careful, becomes muddied.

You would not expect a farmer to be successful were he to toss a careless mixture of beans, corn, oats and wheat on fertile ground, haphazardly tend his crops when he chanced to think to do so. You would be amazed if he produced much of anything at all.

The same is true of the human mind. Whether we use the analogy of the super computer or a fallow field, the point is exactly the same: What we put into something will always be in direct proportion to that which comes out.


And since man must operate under the auspices of Time, this lag (be it quick or long) deceives us into blind ignorance of the mirror effect of reality.

To be continued ~

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