Gray Aliens Examination -welcome to the conspiracy....

This site is dedicated to the close encounter experiencer and open minded individual seeking to further their understanding of alien abduction amid the complex phenomena surrounding the Gray Aliens. Side issues may include Beings of Light, Reptilians, dreams, self hypnosis, telepathy and ESP as well as taking a closer look at the alien species itself in the grey alien examination series.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Secret Power of the Mind Part I

Program your Subconscious to create Wealth, Health & Happiness:
A 2010 Resolution For All

Directly on the heels on my previous post, which in essence was a call for objective critical thinking, and in a complete 180 about face, now I'd like to present a Pro-Belief article.

Starting today, in this New Year 2010 - here is a timely reminder for all those suffering from financial, emotional or physical stress. And this is an important reminder, a call to harness the strength and power of your own God-given ability to create for yourself the REALITY you desire. Believe me, it can be done and IS done by countless people from all walks of life.

Some term it the Power of Positive Thinking (aka Norman Vincent Peale); others refer to this ability as the Secret; some advocate and live according to the principles of Positive Affirmation (Scott Adams, creator of Dilbert). We see the power of the subconscious mind in what is commonly termed the Placebo Effect. There is absolutely no doubting the influence of subjective thinking on objective experience.

"As within, so without. As above, so below"

As we sow, so shall we reap. In other words, what we 'plant' by our thoughts, words and deeds will indeed bear 'fruit'. But only by mental discipline do we produce anything other than a haphazard crop. Man's ability to internally influence his external reality is no small thing. Truly, this ability IS the biggest Secret, the greatest power, the most magnificent gift of all time which is given us by Our Creator. We have the free will to manifest our most cherished desires, and it behooves each of us to make us of this Power of Mind.

A new year, a new decade is a fresh clean page to begin shaping the kind of life you would love to be living! Wouldn't you be thrilled and excited if God were to come to you in a dream, and tell YOU, right now, that He has suddenly given you carte blanche to have anything you want? All you must do, He instructs, is to think good thoughts, to hold no negative beliefs, and to have the faith of a child. All that is required of YOU, God stresses, is that you must have complete and utter faith that He will take care of all the rest. How your needs and desires are manifested is God's business. Leave that part up to Him, he assures you. The only effort, the only help on YOUR end, He tells you, is to speak, think, act 24/7 on the assurance that He will make it so.

Now, this living in faith/belief is a biggie. For the first day or two we are infused with happiness and hope. We mind our thoughts, we monitor our words as well as actions. But since man does not solely exist in his own subjective bubble, we are subjected to external input as well: old bills may arrive in the mail, our spouse may be moody and depressed, no new car has suddenly popped up in the driveway, and our co-workers barrage us with a day-in, day-out onslaught of all their problems, worries and woes.

Little by little, our fresh newly minted positive thinking gets worn a wee bit thin by all this external negative input. The newspapers, television and Internet are another huge source of everything worrisome: war, foreclosures, the Dow, inflation, the list is endless and never seems to go away. THIS is the opposing force of negativity we are subjected to on a daily basis. And while we so desperately want to trust, to believe and have the faith of a child, suddenly we have become jaded and rather tarnished and it's just another day in a repetitive loop of negative living, both subjective and objectively experienced: your back hurts, your job stinks and you haven't enough money to pay the credit cards at the end of the month. Not only that, but if you're human, you're starting to feel like a bit of a twit going around with this Pollyanna-type smile on your face in lieu of so much external angst. I mean, things are really bad right now, you Idiot!!! The world's in terrible shape - we have war out the wazoo, swine flu, bird flu, corruption, corporate greed, and probably shape-shifting reptilians orchestrating a one world order takeover ...

Well then. God never said it was going to be easy, did He? All that He has required of you is to BELIEVE.
'Whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive'. Matt. 21:22

Here we are then. Given this incredible gift of creativity, and we let the stooges steal it away from us, because we have more faith in a whiny spouse or co-worker than our own magnificent Creator.

Goethe was right. Man is a lazy thinker. We have little discipline over our thoughts, our words, our actions. Even though the Power of Positive Thinking has been referred to by such notable figures as Christ, Buddha and Confucius - we still put our mental money on Joe Blow at the water cooler.

Even though we wouldn't vote for Joe Blow as Mayor of Morons, we surrender our precious gift of Mind Power at the throne of negativity, and, if we're not careful, not mindful, we will continue to do so ...


To be continued!

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