Gray Aliens Examination -welcome to the conspiracy....

This site is dedicated to the close encounter experiencer and open minded individual seeking to further their understanding of alien abduction amid the complex phenomena surrounding the Gray Aliens. Side issues may include Beings of Light, Reptilians, dreams, self hypnosis, telepathy and ESP as well as taking a closer look at the alien species itself in the grey alien examination series.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Alien and Paranormal Experiments Begin!

Recently, I posted about alien/paranormal experiments I was hoping to get around to, eventually, when I wasn't so busy and tired. Last night, though, I decided there was no time like the present. It was time to get something in the works, and I spent a while thinking about what I'd really like to set my hand to. Things I was really curious about, or stubborn about, or silly/foolish enough to suppose I had a tiny chance of succeeding at. (the Ouija board did not chastise me for being willful and stubborn for no reason!)

You just never know until you try ...

So. I finally settled on two semi-related experiments:
1) To garner proof (such as it is) that there does indeed exist soul guides/teachers and that I have one.
2) To 'gate crash' heaven on my terms, without undergoing an NDE or the like

Let me explain. For Experiment #2 -it has long irked me that whatever heaven may or may not be, it is still a rather one-sided affair. Typically, a human being must under go an intensely psychological or physical event in order to 'gain admittance'. We cannot visit heaven with the same nonchalance with which we visit the mall, or our neighbor, or New York City. We, you and I, don't seem to have any say-so, any choice, power or free will in the matter. We either arrive there through events beyond our choosing, or (we are told) we must die first and 'pay' later.

Again, no matter what the tangible reality of heaven may or may not be; a higher frequency, a different plane/dimension of existence, an inner subjective state of awareness, a fairy tale, et al. No matter what the reality of this sought after location actually is, it just bugs me all to heck that we cannot enter and exit at will.

Keeping belief systems and religious connotations strictly out of the picture here, I simply am curious as to what heaven may actually be (and here I'd like to mention that many of the older references to 'heaven' actually did mean 'sky' or 'above', as opposed to a spiritually orchestrated realm of human attainment). The heaven I am referring here to, would be that area most of us consider to be the plane of existence post mortem, the land of souls, angels, the God force and whathaveyou.

Just wanted to make things clear regarding the whole heaven idea.

And for Experiment #1 ... I've certainly been given sufficient reason in my life to suspect at least some type of external influence, or guidance. Whether a higher self, oversoul, heavenly guide, teacher, alien presence, pick a label ... it doesn't matter how we mince words, I, personally, think there is something/someone at work and I want/ask/demand some type of tangible (I should live so long!) proof, at least in my own mind, of this elusive personage. By golly.

To sum matters up, I'm frankly a little weary of everything that smacks of heavenly guidance and spiritual hierarchy being so blasted inaccessible to the average Joe. Why must all these things be so one sided? Where is my free will to go, see and do where I please? Why must I wait until somebody, somewhere else, decides it is okay for this curious little monkey to get a peek, a few crumbs tossed my way, of all things heavenly?

Now, I'll be the first to admit this may sound a little arrogant, or not exactly a humble, patiently-awaiting attitude for a lowly mortal to display. Then again, the whole concept of heaven and soul may be so outlandish, or superstitious, or scientifically incorrect as to render any hope for results merely wishful thinking.

Whatever. I'm still curious.

So first on my list was to make a concerted effort to demand/contact my Soul Guide:
11/15/2009 11:31 p.m.
Due to my frequent ability to hang onto and stretch out the hypnogogic state, I chose this as a starting point.
Laying in bed, I intently imaged a deep red phone, the old standard desktop variety, with a large yellow button to the bottom left of the press numbers. I imagined an emergency phone similar to what we think of on the president's desk.
I held this image while my body relaxed, preparatory to entering the pre-sleep, hypnogogic state. The red phone resting clearly on the official desk.
THEN I began to press the numbers, and saw/thought/strongly determined to call my Soul Guide. With the receiver to my ear, I then pressed the dull yellow button, firmly, and saw it light up. Keeping firmly in mind the intent to connect with my Soul Guide, and to convey my request.
Here is where things began to speed up, and I had to maintain an alert mind as well as that fragile, tenuous relaxed hold on the hypnogogic state, all while being careful not to slip into sleep itself:

I was suddenly 'sending' a rapid stream of information; my demand for proof, my intent to connect, my curiosity regarding the reality of any Soul Guidance, - the whole potato became rapidly present as one entire conscious dictum, so rapid in fact that I mentally protested at the speed and my inability to 'keep up'. That is when I experienced the audio/visual of two sentences given me (and, idiot that I was, I thought at the time of the importance of having pen and paper right there in bed with me, to avoid having to unnecessarily disturb the hypnogogic state of mind, to write down at the exact moment, the exact communication. But it was too late, and the paper and pen had been left on my nightstand. Therefore, I missed getting the precise words as I was given (I won't make this same mistake again!) them. Here, however, is the gist of those two sentences I received (I both heard and saw them, simultaneously):

SOMETHING SOMETHING GIFT KEY SOMETHING THAT SOMETHING SOMETHING (aargh! I cannot believe how rapidly our minds forget, how difficult it is to hold on to this stuff!!!)

And, I got the impression there was hesitation/consideration over the use of the word 'THAT' in those two sentences. As though someone was having difficulty properly structuring the message within my human concept of time.


Then followed an interesting dream, one I actually did have the sense to take note of as soon as I awoke. That dream, honestly, had significant elements of a Gray Alien abduction more than anything heavenly. And I'll post that dream later on today, if time allows.

But, as I've already put into place this morning, I will continue to think, stress a contact/proof from my Soul Guide as the day continues. Keeping the red phone pictured. Along with the image of an express parcel serviceman delivering a package (physical proof) into my waiting hands. I'm trying to emphatically stress upon any Soul Guide I may have, not just words or thoughts, but intense images of what it is I am requesting. We'll see what, if anything, comes of this.

And I'll get that alien dream sequence posted soon.

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