Gray Aliens Examination -welcome to the conspiracy....

This site is dedicated to the close encounter experiencer and open minded individual seeking to further their understanding of alien abduction amid the complex phenomena surrounding the Gray Aliens. Side issues may include Beings of Light, Reptilians, dreams, self hypnosis, telepathy and ESP as well as taking a closer look at the alien species itself in the grey alien examination series.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Close Encounters of The Fourth Kind

I guess it's a good thing, in as far as it goes, that the enigma of gray alien interface/abduction is a topic gaining interest with the mainstream public. Hence the blockbuster The Fourth Kind.

However, there are supposed truisms surrounding the public's notion of what constitutes an alien abduction that simply are not so - one of the biggest misconceptions being that encounters with the gray aliens (et al) are best (and typically) recalled under hypnosis.

As countless real-life close encounter experiencers (CEEs) will be the first to admit, the above is a fallacy. A misconception, and a rather unfortunate one, as it predisposes the public to suspicion and disbelief regarding the alien abduction scenario, due to the nature of hypnosis itself. These memories, we are told - are largely an attempt on the part of the subject to please the hypnotist, who then enters into an 'agreement', a mutual confabulation with his/her subject. Nothing is truly proven, no empirical evidence revealed to underpin the objective reality of these hypnotically retrieved memories. No matter how traumatic, no matter how 'revealing' these sessions turn out to be - they are nonetheless relegated to that fuzzy realm of imaginal, subjective experience. Nothing has 'actually' been substantiated.

And so the mainstream public, fascinated and curious though they may be, are left to debate, ridicule, dismiss, believe and so on, so forth amongst themselves, with never a consensus having been reached.

Now, as many actual CEEs know for themselves, the TRUE close encounter experience is not nearly as simplistic, nor cut and dried, as movies and fiction would have us believe. Furthermore, the majority of close encounter recall (be they screen memories or what have you) are not garnered via the aid (?) of hypnosis. These bizarre, puzzling, confounding memories typically surface via a 'trigger effect' ... in other words, something said, done, thought or experienced in one's objective day-to-day reality may suddenly, out of the clear blue sky, unexpectedly serve to trigger the memory of what, to all intent and purposes, smacks of an alien abduction/interface.

Emphatically now, while I realize it may be inescapable, I really and truly find issue with the rather juvenile conclusions we are given to consider for our intellectual pleasure. For example:
The Aliens are here to take over planet Earth (or the "us vs. them" scenario) ... which, believe me, should this mentality prevail (God forbid) - then we, as a people, are leaving ourselves wide open to all sorts of unethical and hidden manipulations by our OWN species. DO NOT BUY INTO THIS. Ever.

We are also given to believe: "Well, the world's governments have known about aliens for years. The reason they won't tell us is to prevent a panic. People can't handle knowing there are aliens coming to Earth, so they've decided to break it to us slowly, to get the public used to the idea. Take the broadcast 'War of the Worlds' and look at the panic it caused in 1938. That's when they decided not to tell us. It was an 'experiment' in human psychology, and we failed it. But disclosure's coming soon, mark my words."

Right. Well, guess what? While the above may be somewhat correct, panic is not really the issue. Now, I could be incredibly wrong here, but off the cuff - in my opinion - this is how I see matters as standing: The honest-to-goodness Gray Alien Close Encounter Experience does not present itself in a 'landing on the White House lawn type of way'. There is NO objective, singularity sense of individualism present in their species - at least not in the way WE (humans) mentally operate. They do not recognize or comprehend (fully) hierarchy on an individual level, it is truly 'alien' to their mental (and social) make up. (And for the record here ... Forget the idea of a hive/borg mentality as well. That is another inaccurate extreme best dispensed with for the time being) So ... there will be NO official meeting of worlds on the White House lawn.

If I am somewhat correct in my meanderings, I suspect TPTB know all of this. Or at least suspect as much. What must frustrate these upper echelons of power, is that this other species of intelligent life does not recognize nor understand the status quo as it exists on good ol' planet Earth (well, that's ONE point in the aliens' favor). Sigh.

Furthermore, it is only REASONABLE to expect that the Grays make contact in a manner similar to their own, natural social interactions within their species. Man operates, in a very basic way, the same no matter where or how he goes. The gray aliens likely do the same. Such interactions are 'business as usual/the norm' for them. They, the aliens (bless their little grey hearts) may see no inherent conundrum in how they approach mankind.

What, you may rightfully ask, is one to believe? Are there really aliens visiting planet Earth or not? Is is possible people are really being abducted, and if so why/what can be done about it? Is this a topic for serious consideration or simply ridicule?

Personally, I don't see the especial hurry nor need to align oneself with a belief in the first place. There is no urgency to pick sides, to align oneself with one camp or the other. This is not a World Series game, and we must rush to place our collective bets. And ultimately, no matter what we choose to believe, it will not change the reality of the situation one iota. In a situation like this, it may be best to resist the urge to choose a side and set up emotional camp. The only thing that matters, I suggest, is that one keep an open mind.

The world, the Universe and life itself, has many cards it's yet to play. I would suspect that close encounters and alien abductions may be just the tip of a future iceberg looming on our collective horizon. Read, if you will, some of my previous posts for a deeper look into the Gray Aliens and Close Encounter/Abduction enigma.

Things have just begun to get interesting ...

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