Gray Aliens Examination -welcome to the conspiracy....

This site is dedicated to the close encounter experiencer and open minded individual seeking to further their understanding of alien abduction amid the complex phenomena surrounding the Gray Aliens. Side issues may include Beings of Light, Reptilians, dreams, self hypnosis, telepathy and ESP as well as taking a closer look at the alien species itself in the grey alien examination series.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Aliens and Angels Among Us? Where are the Sun Gods?


Perhaps it is the early onset of winter, with trees bare and skeletal, each week a dreary succession of one gray day creeping slowly past the other. The relentless, unavoidable season when we must turn inward, to reflect, to light fires and erect barriers in opposition to the yearly reminder of human mortality. In metaphor, man returns each winter to Gaia's womb.

These are the days, as of late, when I think on things.

I've wondered greatly about 2012. What it will or will not bring. I study more, I read longer and write. I think. Pieces, always too many pieces - and so the puzzle grows, too large for my consciousness to see in its entirety.

Recently, and just when I thought I'd nearly finished with the border of this puzzle. Just when I'd decided I was close to fashioning an outline to fill in with all the delightful bits of hearsay and heresy, facts and fictions, all manner of nonsense and common sense. This is when the world grows larger and we must begin again.

More pieces to do something with. So I think further and the jigsaw grows by leaps and bounds. And this is when it comes that one must admit they know nothing, or the next thing to it.

With every day arrives fresh puzzles to ponder. For instance ... am I to understand we have found antimatter close at hand? Does this mean it is a workable property, and if so, where will it take us? Can it be that an antimatter drive may actually exist, or soon to be? How would this fit in with interstellar space travel?

And, travel to what and from where? Or is the sun, Old Sol - truly, in the brassest of tacks, a verifiable black hole with an event horizon in Earth's backyard? Did there exist, and walked, procreated, in the flesh and blood of biological happenstance, a race ... a species of beings called the Sun Gods, or Ra? Giants in those days, we are told did exist.

What did the Earth, and man, see occur more than 10,000 years ago? Will our scholars someday have the courage, the wisdom, to acknowledge the fact of evidential archeology and admit the Egyptians did not build the pyramids ... when will we put aside the parroting that passes for outdated and inaccurate teachings, and have the maturity to admit our ignorance, our errors. To begin anew... to learn afresh.

And so I think. The same as you. And you. And I wonder, not so much about the things I know, or suspect to be true. But about all the myriad information unknown to me. Lost, overlooked, covered up and abandoned. How can we think outside the 'box', when we can't find the box to begin with?

How ever will we gain wisdom in a world that must assign a hierarchy to the dissemination of information. These are not questions, instead they are statements born of frustration, of curiosity and wonderment.

But I, you, we ... continue to think.

For a change of pace, let's forget the logic and reason and evidence for a while. Just for a change, and just for a moment, mind you. Because it suits my moment to pretend. And so we will think with our feelings, our imagination for this exercise:

Without fear of ridicule, or evidence and accuracy, or censure from our peers (such as they may be), it is a good thing to play with the imaginative mind because we may discover wondrous things on the rare occasion. Or create the same with our very thoughts.

Therefore, for this exercise, what do you think and wonder about? What do you imagine? What pieces do you suppose might lurk within the paranormal puzzle ... ?

Here are a few of my imaginative thoughts (straight from the right brain 'feeling') -
1) There are alien (non terrestrial origins) beings on planet Earth.
2) There have been in the past alien visitations, and 'they' went somewhere, far away, and it is not to be discussed/revealed (why I feel this thought to be true I've no idea).
3) Earth is not too big of a deal. Beautiful yes, with salvageable sentience, but by no means in the mid to upper echelon of planetary way stations.
Low to middlin', comes to mind.
4) We are watched, monitored. Not in a spiritual, mystical heavenly sense, but in a technical, mechanical way. Very humdrum. Very much business as usual.
5) Heaven does not exist in the way we think, nor describe, nor label according to our general consensus. Heaven is not a singular. What we call heaven is no more or less than a state of awareness, development, evolution. Better and different from here, that's all.
6) War is very much a primitive event, and as such, marks our species (as it should to our collective shame and embarrassment) as animalistic and base. As long as man bears the desire to war, to conquer and possess, to suppress and dominate, to dictate to another, then man shall most D.E.F.I.N.I.T.E.L.Y. not be permitted to venture afar from his nest. He shall be contained, restricted, and watched closely.
7) The ET presence/actuality shall not, CAN not be revealed until those generations of individuals (those minds unable to encompass that which is beyond the known, those minds who react as threatened and fearful, -closed) incapable of change have passed to dust. The reason for this mandate is that any external presence would either be worshipped as gods or exterminated as foes. Those minds must cease to be an influential factor per such revelations.
8) Each of us, in greater or lesser degree, already exists as a multi-being. We are not a singular mind, even insofar as our experience in a singular body.
9) Eons ago, when the planet was young and the primate yet in trees, humanoids walked the Earth. Millions of years ago.
10) Somebody, or many somebody's, have the ability to manipulate time/space.
11) There is something really big, really weird and strange, beyond the known multiverse, exerting influence.
12) Many 'gods' listed in mythology and religions are anthropomorphic references to astronomy.
13) Vampires exist somewhere, somehow, somewhy - if only because we've created them (barring the mundane such as rabies and hemophilia, etc).
14) Man is viciously in love with his image.
15) We may call the 'angels', we may summon the gods, the Elders ... if only we knew how to speak their 'language' and if we had the tools to do so.
16) Someday, somewhen, somehow, man will unthinkingly step back and forth through the curtain that separates the living from the dead. It will be as commonplace, as casual as placing a long distance call.
17) Evil is man's creation - from the medium of fear.
18) There is no devil, no Satan.
19) God is a collective, not a singular.
20) Zombies ... well, this is a fun imagination ... maybe they could exist as a 'glitch' in the consciousness of the body.
21) We're all witches, we just don't know how to manifest the magic of thought on a controlled basis.
22) We wouldn't know a UFO if one landed on our doorstep. I halfway imagine the concept of vehicular transportation unlikely per truly advanced species.
23) Atlantis, and a whole bus load of other long - lost civilizations undoubtedly slumber far beneath the surface of this beautiful planet.
24) There exist alien species far, far, far, FAR more intelligent than we. Some so much in fact that we may never comprehend them, nor they us.
25) The dinosaurs evolved in ways yet unknown.
26) And finally, my last imaginative and wondering thought of the evening ... the Gray Aliens may actually be very, very real.

So, what do you think and wonder?

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