Gray Aliens Examination -welcome to the conspiracy....

This site is dedicated to the close encounter experiencer and open minded individual seeking to further their understanding of alien abduction amid the complex phenomena surrounding the Gray Aliens. Side issues may include Beings of Light, Reptilians, dreams, self hypnosis, telepathy and ESP as well as taking a closer look at the alien species itself in the grey alien examination series.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Gray Alien Examination: Culling the Flock

Do the Greys 'cull' their 'flock'?

In a recent post, I made mention of how the Gray Aliens seem to engage in a type of 'selection' process or mirroring effect. Call it what you will, but the word 'CULL' comes strongly to mind, in the broad sense of culling a collection into two parts.
Close encounter experiencers (CEEs) appear to be divided into two major groups (at the least). According to a large body of anecdotal reports and looked at in this particular light, we could say that:
Group 1 consists of what I would loosely term the Breeders
Groups 2 consists of what I would also loosely term the Students
This is absolutely a superficial overview and may not even begin to cover the breadth and depth of what may be occuring, but it does bear mention. Nor do I mean to give the impression that one group is more highly 'favored' or 'esteemed' than the other. Personally, as efficient as the Gray Aliens and their cohorts present themselves, I cannot imagine that any selection process would take place lightly.
And I am not so sure that any member of Group 1 may not later be incorporated into Group 2. But the reason I mention this culling business at all, is due to the fact that a small percentage of CEEs have come forth with fascinating stories of teaching imparted by the greys, sometimes unwillingly received. What traits are common to Group 1, and which traits are common to Group 2? This information alone could speak volumes on what the Gray Alien Agenda may truly encompass.
The difficulty in gathering valuable insight arises largely in part to those who have claimed Group 2 status. How would a dedicated researcher separate the 'crazy contactee' from the established dis/mis-information contactee from the sincere contactee from the sincere contactee who appears to be crazy but may be so as a result of what he has undergone and his personality's integration of the same? Get the drift?! And I'm not so sure this weeding out process has not been made difficult on purpose, by many parties.
Which is a lousy shame. Because it can be done.
As far as culling goes, we are told that men are often restrained and/or kept in a greatly reduced state of conscious awareness. However, the average male with his strength and capacity for aggressive behavior, could be easily viewed as the more dangerous of the two human sexes, as is not uncommon in other Earthly species. Females, at least emotionally, are more malleable and also physically weaker (less likely to inflict physical harm on the greys?) than their masculine counterparts.
And are some CEEs incorporated into a 'teaching' program as a side experiment, or because they display the capacity for learning whatever it is the greys wish to impart, perhaps with an end goal of greater and more forthright inter-species contact? While we may never know the reasoning of a mind disparate from our own, some logical assumptions may later prove to be correct.
Whatever the reason, IF the Gray Aliens ARE real and objective beings, then the importance of discovering and categorizing all common denominators pertaining to the grey enigma cannot be over estimated.

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