Gray Aliens Examination -welcome to the conspiracy....

This site is dedicated to the close encounter experiencer and open minded individual seeking to further their understanding of alien abduction amid the complex phenomena surrounding the Gray Aliens. Side issues may include Beings of Light, Reptilians, dreams, self hypnosis, telepathy and ESP as well as taking a closer look at the alien species itself in the grey alien examination series.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Greys who Glow?! And the Famous Zombie Word Alert

The Gray Alien Examination
My Own Close Encounter

Greys who glow?!
While I'm writing on a personal level for the time being, (don't think I've abandoned serious research - I've got a lot of material to digest and attempt to make some sense of!) ... I'd like to tell you about my first truely conscious Close Encounter experience which was (and has been) upsetting and difficult to properly niche in my world view.

The Close Encounter happened this way:
At the time, due to back and muscle pain, I had become accustomed to sleeping alone in the downstairs bedroom of our split-level home. I was and always have been a very light sleeper, being slow to fall asleep and quick to awake. I suppose medication would have helped the pain, but many meds bother my stomach so I just winged it and stood the discomfort as best I could (I'm only mentioning the medication thing so the reader will be aware that no drugs, alcohol, etc were involved - I'm very boring that way LOL).

With the curtains closed and no night light in use, with door closed, the room was very dark. After having been asleep perhaps 3 hours, I awoke in the middle of the night ... (I mean FULLY awake, no lucid or false awakening as I've experienced those and know full well the difference) ... suddenly and completely I was fully awake, opened my eyes and saw floating or swimming or stretched out roughly 6" above my prone body, a Gray Alien whose tremendous eyes were staring straight into my own! Let me clarify, the grey seemed to have been moving up and across my body (from foot to head) and was positioned a little above my waist level when I awoke and 'caught' it, so its eyes were both above and below my own. It was as if I had unexpectedly awoke and 'caught' the alien in the act (what act?).

One of its disturbingly thin thin arms and hand was stretched out and reaching upwards toward my shoulder area. But, I only had a mere second or two to look into those incredible eyes before I did the most unbelievable thing - which was to simply turn my head to the right on my pillow and go back to sleep.

Hours later when I awoke that morning, I didn't immediately remember the incident until I turned to straighten out my sheets and pillow, which brought the memory of the night's event fully into my conscious awareness. And, while you would assume that the Gray Alien's eyes would have been the most unsettling and best remembered feature of the Close Encounter, it wasn't. What virtually traumatized me was the impossibly thin, spidery arm that had reached out towards me. To this day (ten years hence) when re-telling or remembering the creature, I make this crazy gesture of sliding my left hand down and over my right arm and extending it further, to somehow impress or vent the disturbance that arm invoked in me! Now, a dream does not invoke a post-traumatic response and that is precisely what my gesture is indicative of.

Something puzzling, in the brief moments I viewed the grey, I noticed a few things that stayed with me. One, the head was iconic and YET, it was not smooth and shaped exactly as one sees depicted in common renditions. The head was more wrinkled, or roughly fashioned (and I would have been seeing the top-forehead area), lumpier maybe, than what I previously would have guessed. Two, the grey had a glow, like a bioluminescence of a weird greenish inner light, so it was quite noticeable in the darkened bedroom. A few years ago I tripped across information in a neurological article mentioning how part of the human brain ** , under certain conditions, was able to view low-range luminescence.

Okay, so what do I think? Was it real? Logically thinking - who knows. Emotionally thinking - absolutely. Did it impress me, or make a difference in my life? You bet. Something we know next to nothing about is part of our physical world and I am driven to understand it.

Furthermore, I want to add my additional impressions, although I don't know why exactly I should have these thoughts. But. I felt that the grey had entered my room via the large windows at the wall near the foot of my bed, almost as if I can visualize it climbing in. I felt that the grey had stilled itself, that it did not expect me to awake and 'catch it'. I felt that the grey then deliberately and purposefully sent me immediately back to 'sleep'.

And I felt like the eyes linked to a mind so unique, so beyond what we think of as human awareness, as to be in a category all of its own.

Was this a lucid dream or alien contact? Had I been abducted by a Grey? All I can say for certain is that I had been occasionally experimenting with self hypnosis and other mind expanding techniques. But never ever did I expect to wake up to see an alien hovering over body!

* Zombie Word Alert: Next to pizza, human brains are the favorite food of most self-professed zombies. The ultimate culinary delight, being of course, human brain pizza - easy on the onions. Thin crust only.

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