Gray Aliens Examination -welcome to the conspiracy....

This site is dedicated to the close encounter experiencer and open minded individual seeking to further their understanding of alien abduction amid the complex phenomena surrounding the Gray Aliens. Side issues may include Beings of Light, Reptilians, dreams, self hypnosis, telepathy and ESP as well as taking a closer look at the alien species itself in the grey alien examination series.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Gray Alien Examination: Switchback

The Switchback Experiment

So is it possible to turn the table on the greys? How might a close encounter experiencer (CEE) move out of the role of hapless human while conducting a few tests of his own? And would it be wise to do so?
Though 'resistance' may truly be futile, we should still gather hay while the sun doth shine. Any Close Encounter, no matter the conditions, should be viewed as an opportunity for greater learning to take place. This opportunity is hampered by the fuzzy, right-brain/subconscious state many CEEs find themselves operating in. The first order of business, then, must be to facilitate by programming ... a recognition and awakening of the left-brain beta wave state.
And while this awakening would be as slippery as trying to change the channel on a radio with buttery fingers, lucid dreaming experts insist it can be done. The trick is to routinely impress your waking, day -to-day mind with specific clues designed to trigger later awareness. The idea behind this would be the same method used to reinforce neural pathways, those little paths leading from house A to house B. Call it conditioning. And the more often we perform these reinforcements, the deeper the groove our mental feet are wearing down this path. The flipside is - the neural grooves will eventually fill back in to smooth little paths if we don't keep trucking down the road.
Here are some effective triggers to perform on a routine basis, the more frequent the better (although looking like a headcase around family and friends is NOT recommended):
1) everytime you look in the mirror, stare into your eyes while asking the question "Am I dreaming?"
2) post an image of the iconic Gray Alien eyes, somewhere in a private place, and briefly look at the eyes whle asking, "Am I dreaming?"
3) Throughout the day, stretch out your hands and fingers, paying attention to elongate the fingers in your best imitation of the greys and ask, "Am I dreaming?"
You get the idea, and feel free to improvise your own questions and triggers as you think might better serve your goal.
My next post will concern a few interesting switchback techniques and experiments for the CEE to try out. Who knows what, if anything might happen? Are we playing with fire? Or would a few experiments open up a completely new paradigm for both us AND the Gray Aliens?!
I'm very, very curious ...

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