Gray Aliens Examination -welcome to the conspiracy....

This site is dedicated to the close encounter experiencer and open minded individual seeking to further their understanding of alien abduction amid the complex phenomena surrounding the Gray Aliens. Side issues may include Beings of Light, Reptilians, dreams, self hypnosis, telepathy and ESP as well as taking a closer look at the alien species itself in the grey alien examination series.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Religion: Aliens or Demons and the Famous Zombie Word Alert

Aliens or Demons Reflecting Religion
Demonized When It Gets Up Close & Personal

While I'm gathering information, taking notes, making comparisons, looking for common denominators, boning up on high-school science, compiling alien pictures and artwork, etc for my ongoing series of posts which revolve around the enigma of who/what/where the Greys really are (or are not) - I also feel the need to take breaks now and then, to touch on matters of a personal nature, my own or those of others.
Free Association, ya know?!
Anyway, there's no doubt about it, this kind of thing messes with your mind. Your idea of self. Your notions of sanity. What is real/what isn't real and how to distinguish the two. If you are like me, you try to keep that objective distance**. You have to, because along with the fascination and curiosity, there are emotional pitfalls which may trip you up if you're not careful.
The Gray Alien close encounter delights in pushing emotional buttons, almost as if it wants to catch you in a belief-system net. Some cultures call it 'The Trickster'. Or maybe it's a mirror effect of consciousness and like reflects like, with no malice or design aforethought. No matter what, it is probably in the experiencer's best interest to resist the allure of emotional thinking.
Case in point: Twenty years ago I knew someone (not a blood relation), she was around 70 yrs old at that time, had been loosely diagnosed as paranoid schizophrenic, and was somewhat fanatically religious (common in schizophrenia). She complained incessantly that 'little devils' or demons came around at night, and would point wands or rods at her legs and burn her. She also claimed that close family members were not who they seemed and were in fact demonic, little devils wearing masks.
Now, mental illness aside, this woman came from a strong fundamental religious background and lived alone most of her life. While she knew nothing of the close-encounter experience or aliens, she did know a lot about God and the Devil. I think her experiences terrified her and she interpreted them the only way she knew how, via a religious explanation. And I wonder, which came first... the close encounters or the mental illness? The personality can shatter and fragment under extreme stress. Additionally, too many close-encounter experiencers have been spoon-fed or embraced a particular 'belief system' or religion only to have it later yanked out from under them - leaving them no solid ground on which to emotionally stand.
Is the lesson here to only believe what you can take apart and put back together? Does a belief system help or hinder one? Yet, without something to hold on to, the close encounter leaves one stranded on an unknown shore. Maybe that's a good thing, to put aside the known and open oneself to the unknown.
Occam's Razor - a sensible principle whereby one should not increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything. Typically, a religion or belief system opens up more entities than necessity requires.
So what do you do think when 'little devils' burn your legs, at night, with wands? What does a small child mean when she proudly tells all within earshot 'the Walking Sticks' are her friends, only to experience abduction scenarios by the grey aliens for the next 50 years? What kind of belief system can explain bold, nickel-sized bruises spaced as finger prints on both thighs of someone who sleeps alone (without human or animal companions)?
How might Occam's Razor be applied?
Isn't the world a fascinating place?!?!
Now, if anyone would like to share their thoughts or experiences on the aspects pertaining to religion and aliens or demons aspect, I would love to hear them. The more people thinking 'outside the box', the better.
Until later, have a perfect paradigm!
** Zombie Word Alert: Recently, more and more health officials recommend keeping an objective distance between zombies and your weak, puny, vulnerable human flesh. According to an expert as quoted in last month's issue of Things to Be Very Afraid of Digest, approximately 1.7 miles is the optimum distance.


  1. For me this post is interesting because I was faced with something similar as well. I had an experience of somethings poking me and leaving me with scratch marks here and there. It was a scary experience but somehow I stopped believing that they could do anything to me and stopped believing in them itself and everything just stopped.

  2. Jummi,

    That is intriguing, how your decision to control what you did/did not accept into your world view then altered your physical experience. Thank you so much for sharing!

    Whether it is an actual tribute to the fundamental workings of the universe, or how the human brain interfaces with such, there exists plenty of evidence to suggest that the universe operates as a 'MIRROR' ... ever reflecting man back to man.

    And does the intensity of our emotions somehow fuel this mirroring effect?

    For fun, and out of sheer curiosity, I wonder what would happen were you to believe that whatever had been poking & scratching you were to leave you monitery tributes instead of physical marks? lol

    Anyway, if man really DOES have the ability to shape/create/alter his life experiences, then we had all better pay closer attention to what we think and believe in, huh?!
