Gray Aliens Examination -welcome to the conspiracy....

This site is dedicated to the close encounter experiencer and open minded individual seeking to further their understanding of alien abduction amid the complex phenomena surrounding the Gray Aliens. Side issues may include Beings of Light, Reptilians, dreams, self hypnosis, telepathy and ESP as well as taking a closer look at the alien species itself in the grey alien examination series.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Greys, Reptilians and the Glass UFO


Another aspect of the Gray Alien phenomenon must, by its very nature, touch upon the enigma of those beings termed The Reptilians. Do they share a similar agenda with other extraterrestrials? Or an uneasy alliance? How often are the greys, reptilians and other humanoids seen engaging in teamwork? Beyond hype and BS, what are the close encounter experiencers (CEEs) reporting?

Have you seen or dreamt the Crystal Box?

Reptilian Experience 1:

Desiring psychic ability, the dreamer faces himself in a large glass mirror. His reflected image is the true* mirror reversal (there is an important difference - what was dark becomes light, what was left becomes right, etc.). The CEE dreamer then passes into a very large and empty room, featureless, to note that a large and transparent box has formed in the center of the room. Almost instantly, a reptilian humanoid type creature (the CEE is reminded of an immense gecko) forms within the box and mysteriously passes through what looks like glass. The CEE is confronted with a 7 ft tall Reptilian and sees a spot of human blood on the creature. The CEE is given to understand via telepathic 'knowing' that their 'alliance' (he and the creature) could have been a dangerous, frightful one and things could have gone badly, but that is not the case in this particular alliance. The alien Reptilian takes his place on the right side of the CEE and together they exit the room. Throughout the event, the CEE is calm and accepting of the events. He exhibits a greater level of comprehension than what is available to his waking ego.

Reptilian Experience 2:

The close encounter experiencer sees herself from both inner and outer vantage points, and is in her 'waking ego personification'. With great fear, the CEE sees a transparent, glass box form in the air above her living room. The glass box moves about trying to enclose her, as if she is a mouse to be captured. When so captured by the box, the CEE experiences a distinctly abrupt change in her sense of identity. She is no longer the ego/personality of mere moments ago, nor is she female, as if she is now something that could almost be termed male or adrogynous. She is no longer quite human.

The crystal box vanishes, and now the CEE sees objects in her room differently. The coffee table is composed of hundreds of points of light. Everything about her is no more or less than a matrix of light, coalesced into form. The living room wall vanishes and she exits the house, purposefully walking to the Point of Contact - a meeting place atop a hill upon which dozens of others like herself are filing in to the recently arrived UFO.

Reptilian Experience 3:

Preparatory to sleep, a CEE sits alone in his room one night, thinking and smoking a final cigarette before turning off the light. The CEE is suddenly stunned to observe a glassy image (reminiscent of Predator) moving across the top of his closed window curtains, with the curtains visibly distorted behind the image (the general size and shape of an enlarged head) - as though something tall and nearly unseen were passing through the area. There is no logical explanation for this - the image was not a disturbance or film in his eye, the door to the room was shut thus the image did not originate from outside the room, and finally the sole window to his room was only a couple of yards from the SOLID BRICK WALL of his neighbor's home. Outside all was dark and still, both homes were a respectable distance from the quiet street. The layout of the room did not allow for any reflections or lights, etc to be seen from the neighborhood street. Finally, the image seen was on the inside of the room, not emanating from an unknown outside source.

Dreams and such involving the dreamer being transported by Greys, gray aliens, reptilians and such via an object which reminds one of a glass or crystal elevator.

What can we make of these dreams and experiences? Are they purely subjective, or are they our mind's attempt to make a known out of an unknown? Are the ET's using some type of transparent energy field to move about? And why the box image? If nothing else can be said, the shape itself seems to be fairly consistent, so there is one common denominator at least.

Does the crystal box truly exist? As I've said over and over to the point of redundancy (forgive me lol).... any real, any factual evidence (if such can be gathered) pertaining to the Gray Alien or Reptilian enigma (light beings, UFOs, space brothers, sigh...) can ONLY be gained via the Common Denominator. Nothing should be tossed out, mind you, but that is what we are looking for. No matter the clothing or imagery in which close encounters or abductions or little grey men are couched, certain points remain the same and THESE are the sign posts to knowledge. With that said, it's time for me to crack my books. I've been writing so much lately I've ignored my personal study program. Gotta use those hypnosis tapes, catch up my dream journal and stand lonely in the night of the mind, waiting - always waiting, to see what shows up. How fabulous is that?!


  1. So, are the UFOs benevolent or malevolent? For those of you who believe in UFOs and have not yet thought about this, it is worth your while to do so now in the light of the following points. These points have been presented earlier and seem to point to the fact that the UFOs are not at all spacecrafts from other planets but that they are, as a matter of fact, evil spirits that can appear as humanoids and try to delude the mankind.

  2. That is an interesting hypothesis, Juhani. Yes, there are those who have conjectured that the UFOs we see (non military ones, that is) are actually 'lifeforms' versus structured craft.
    I'm just not sure why they would bother to do so, or why man is such a big screaming deal that everyone is out to trick or deceive us? I think we have an awfully inflated sense of self-importance weighing our species down.
    Yet, there is some validity to the idea that IF we, ourselves, are a food/energy source for a different/higher species, then it may indeed resort to trickery and deceit in much the same way that WE deceive the deer (with pheromones), the duck, the cow, the plant with hybridization and so forth.
    I guess fair's fair - we can't rationally expect to be treated any better than what WE dish out to other life forms.
    Like may well indeed attract LIKE!
    Thank you, Juhani for your time and comment, please feel free to visit any of my other posts and comment/or add your ideas to the mix. All responsible comments are encouraged :)
