Gray Aliens Examination -welcome to the conspiracy....

This site is dedicated to the close encounter experiencer and open minded individual seeking to further their understanding of alien abduction amid the complex phenomena surrounding the Gray Aliens. Side issues may include Beings of Light, Reptilians, dreams, self hypnosis, telepathy and ESP as well as taking a closer look at the alien species itself in the grey alien examination series.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Alien Crop Circles: ETs at Work?


There is something about the Crop Circle enigma that bothers me. I'm not sure if it's movies like 'Signs', hoaxers who grab center stage and lull the complacent into believing that all crop circles are hoaxes (anyone with half a brain who has viewed even 1 of the rather impressive array of mathematically detailed and complex structures could not possibly believe these to have been created merely by board & rope!)... and most of all I am annoyed by the ET and UFO researchers who merrily jump on the alien bandwagon and proclaim these to be messages from our evolved space brothers... they of all people should know better!
sigh. Okay, straight up - I'm going to risk upsetting a few believers when I say that (please, follow my line of reasoning to the end of this post!) in my opinion we are being gullible, misled and dis-informed (and we deserve it, my friends). I'm aware that there are those who truly and sincerely believe crop circles to be alien messages. What I am saying is that, as much as I have reason (such as it is) to believe there is a valid gray alien/extraterrestrial phenomena afoot, this is NOT part of that puzzle. You and I have only been encouraged to think so...
My reasoning goes like this (and if you've read a few of my postings you therefore understand that I insist on approaching the greys with as much reason and logic as one can muster):
Crop circles have been around/and reported for quite a long time
BUT those were simple things, fairy rings (caused by fungi), dust devils and other natural earthly activities
UNTIL suddenly, in our current modern Techno/research era, they have become beautifully and amazingly complex (and for the record- any scientist or technician reading this who has perhaps been involved in any possible laser experiments resulting in these stunning renditions has my compliments! You guys do Mandelbrot proud!).
Anyway, obviously these 'circles' are produced rather quickly.
And from above, aerial it would seem.
And focused light has been observed amid crop circle formation.
And microwave effects have been evident - including genetic alterations of the crops affected.
And birds and similar small creatures unfortunately 'caught' in the process have been discovered... nuked.
And sometimes UFOs are seen in the vicinity during or after these formations.
Furthermore, looking at these incredible mathematical, quantum and astronomical pictograms, I am reassured to note that the aliens are using symbols which happily have meaning to the brightest among us and can thus be deciphered for the rest of the common herd. Wow, isn't it neat-o that the grays aren't making pretty pictures of things that are UNknown to man? Isn't this such a great co-inky-dink?!
Golly, I cannot believe how mysterious and advanced these aliens must be?!
Unless it has nothing whatsoever to do with ETs, Grays, aliens or UFOs at all, and the crop circles are ... (mind you, this is just a guess on my part)... simply a clever way of testing military and scientific applications such as ... Microwave laser/maser beam cannons guided by computer.
Actually, if my theory is correct, I am rather impressed with the minds that thought up this particular means of R&D. It makes a great deal of sense, and overall I am unaware that it has truly 'hurt' anyone. (except my feelings as it appears they consider their fellow species to be largely comprised of morons!)
What does bother me is that it has added a layer of distraction and mis-direction for those sincere researchers struggling to find their way out of this hall of mirrors!
By my conservative guestimate, there exist hundreds of thousands of individuals striving to come to grips or some solid bit of understanding regarding a mysterious phenomena, which they have not asked to be pulled into, and cloak & dagger games (whether by accident or design), do these people no good.
There truly is something unknown beckoning inside or just outside man's perimeter of awareness. Are the Gray Aliens self OR other? Material/Imaginal, particle/wave, earthly/other worldly, true/false, good/bad, helpers/harmers, divas/devils?
Do we dream them? Or are they dreaming us?
Or does dichotomy cease to have meaning beyond ourselves? Is there a 3rd state of being at play?
Have you ever heard of sidetime???
The author requests you stay tuned ;)

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