Gray Aliens Examination -welcome to the conspiracy....

This site is dedicated to the close encounter experiencer and open minded individual seeking to further their understanding of alien abduction amid the complex phenomena surrounding the Gray Aliens. Side issues may include Beings of Light, Reptilians, dreams, self hypnosis, telepathy and ESP as well as taking a closer look at the alien species itself in the grey alien examination series.

Monday, May 25, 2009

The Grays and Parallel Time

I debated whether or not to publish this puzzling experience. It was of such a bizarre nature that words do not adequately serve to suffice, and if my writing appears labored, please forgive me. I'm really posting this only because of any potential light it may shed on alien encounters and other paranormal events. And if anyone else has experienced something similar, I would be most interested in hearing the particulars.
First off, I wish to clearly establish that I was not on medication of any kind, including alcohol or recreational drugs. Nope, clean as a whistle (I'm rather dull that way lol). Secondly, despite my fascination with the paranormal, metaphysics and other eclectic subjects, I was in my 'right' mind - no psychosis here, although I and extended family members occasionally struggle with mild depression and anxiety from time to time (thank you, serotonin deficiency).
Furthermore, immediately prior to this experience, I had spent the morning and early afternoon enjoying the company of my best friend on a beautiful summer Saturday - rummaging at yard sales and doing lunch. Nothing other worldly on my mind. I was very grounded in the here and now, or so I thought.
Within a few minutes after my friend dropped me off at home (I lived alone at the time) and as I was kicking off my shoes, I entered a bizarre state of mind which I have never experienced before or since (at least as memory serves)...
I suddenly and without warning began remembering dreams. Dreams that were very recent. Dreams that had taken place within the last couple of hours. Except that I had NOT been asleep since the night before! And each dream memory, like beads on a chain, led to further 'memories' and all these dreams seemed to have taken place during my morning, as if they had somehow taken place adjacent to my waking moments - or between those moments.
To say that this was difficult to comprehend and place within any sort of known timeline is an understatement. How was it possible that I had 'dreamt' while being awake? And while I use the term 'dream' to describe these memories (which were quite mundane, rational and linear - akin to the normal beta - waking state of awareness) - the term may not apply.
I hesitate to say this, but it was as if I suddenly had access to another stream of my own consciousness, as if I had been wearing two shirts all the while instead of only one - and did not know it until that moment. And it was all me, there was no 'other' personality or psychological oddity about this. Merely, that in some fashion or another I suddenly had access to memories or dreams that I was unaware had been recorded.
And every time I would think of a 'real' event from my morning ... say, for example, my purchase and consumption of a soda from the gas station, or handing over a couple of dollars to buy a yard sale purse ... every time I would think of something that really happened, there was this concurrent thread of memory running amongst the original. It was very difficult to 'take it all in'. And I had no idea what my consciousness had done or was experiencing now.
This continued throughout the remainder of the afternoon, to the point that I deliberately immersed myself in a good book in hopes of distracting my mind and dissipating this second 'dream' thread. For most of the day it was touch and go, easily accessible should I so choose to access.
And while this may come as a surprise only to someone who works the night shift at a cracker factory on the moon, I was naturally fascinated and highly curious as to the entire mechanics of the affair. I am the kind of person who, in the midst of a supposed reptilian takeover, would be wondering how got their scales so shiny and green (sigh). I would be the one to ask St. Peter who made those awesome golden gates?!
Had I in some way, or had conditions been just right, managed to access the memory banks of my subconscious mind? It is now known that our subconscious never shuts off, even when we are awake it is merrily going about its own business and living its own little life (even when our consciousness is anesthetized during surgery, our subconscious is wide awake - rather unhappily I would suppose). So did it occur that for whatever the reason or reasons I was able to access this hidden and silent area of the self/mind?
We are so conditioned to regard the phenomena of time as either past, present or future. But this smacked of a concurrent, or side time running parallel to the present. And if I experienced this state of awareness, then so could anyone else. Perhaps our choppy mental divisions such as id, ego and super-id are only labels for our own poor understanding of how our brains are designed to function. And even though OUR human brain may function in this fashion, this is not to dictate that so must all other brains or minds or constructs of consciousness.
I am reminded of a close encounter experiencer (CEE) who, upon finding himself set kerplunk into the midst of an alien townscape, was informed by the Grays that 'he was always there'. It terrified the poor man. How can we be here and elsewhere and not know this? I have heard it described like gears in a clock - there are worlds within worlds. There are movements within movements.
Where is our consciousness really? What happens when we dream, besides compress and store memory? Who are those people who greet us in dreams and wave at us in hypnogogics and hypnopompics? When a lucid dreamer awakens and knows his state, he may then create and shape at will (I have done this exactly once and it was beyond a doubt one of the most incredible experiences of my life - I cannot recommend dream training and self-hypnosis tapes enough!).
Where is the line of demarcation between here and there, and do we sometimes straddle it? Does our consciousness divide as theorized? Besides forward, back and standing still, might not 'time' travel sideways? Or diagonally? Can the human brain, through accident or decision, experience events in ways most of us would never consider possible? Events are like multi-colored candies crammed in a jar, and our brain is the tool by which we extract them from the jar and experience these candies.
And, if even for a moment, I can straddle a double-line then I must ask if there exists a town upon this double line? Or a race, universe or plane of existence that may house aliens, ghosts, grays and all the rest? Life is truly stranger than fiction...

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