Gray Aliens Examination -welcome to the conspiracy....

This site is dedicated to the close encounter experiencer and open minded individual seeking to further their understanding of alien abduction amid the complex phenomena surrounding the Gray Aliens. Side issues may include Beings of Light, Reptilians, dreams, self hypnosis, telepathy and ESP as well as taking a closer look at the alien species itself in the grey alien examination series.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Grays

Is it possible, or even probable, that we are not at the top of the planetary food chain? Are we food for the Gods? Fodder for the Grays? Claims abound that man is harvested, as a crop, for a Reptilian species which may include the gray alien. Outlandish as the idea may first appear, when given a closer look under the auspices of an unbiased mind, the idea may not be without merit.
Consider the following: mankind, despite our marvelous advances in technology, medicine, sciences and manufacturing - still, despite the arrival of the 21st century which was thought to herald us into a new age of higher development, finds itself continually and ceaselessly embroiled in base animal conflict, anguish, suffering and grief. Socially, emotionally, we are not one whit better off than our ancestors of eons past. Why, it must be asked, do we always clear one hurdle only to find ourselves prostrate before another?
Are the Grays to blame? What may we think when alien female abductees are encouraged to hold their hybrid offspring, yet cruelly informed that the infant must remain in the care of the aliens, because the mother cannot 'feed' them? What might we think when the staring procedures begin, when images and visions are forced into our minds' awareness, when our genetic material is repeatedly harvested? When strangers are brought together to mate? When our children scream in the night and report visits by monsters, little dinosaurs and big-eyed bugs who whisk them through windows and tell them 'they are the chosen ones'?
What do animals, small and large, think when they are bred outside their herd, separated from their offspring, and otherwise deprived of the pastoral existence nature had intended them? Have you ever witnessed the anguish of a mother cat when her kittens have been handed to strangers? Yes, in time and to all appearances her agony fades, but the forced intervention of a higher species who dictates the fate of her offspring, her very existence and right to roam the fields at night, who considers too many of her kind prowling the streets to be a nuisance and a pest and thus cages her and her kind for selective placement or death.
And in man's innocent arrogance, we suppose ourselves lord of all and bend nature to our whim.
Now also consider this: Before the advent of mammals and eventually primates, certain creatures stood head and shoulders above the land, and were truly lords of all. The dinosaurs, saurians, reptilians - call them what you will - for millions and millions (not our measly thousands) were planet Earth's proudest achievement. In a logical and linear development of dominant life, these creatures were the apex of evolution, until their numbers were decimated by climate change brought about numerous unfoldings including meteoric strikes, methane and an ecological imbalance of supply and demand.
Today, the media is going wild with the discovery of Ida, the 47 million year old reptilian/mammalian fossil. But Ida represents but the tiniest fraction of the wealth of such fossils waiting to be found. Paleontologists themselves will tell you the only the barest fraction of saurian bones and fossils have been uncovered, estimating that what little we have been able to piece together is but the tip of a mighty iceberg still in wait for exposure to the light of modern day!
And what of those saurians who managed to survive and evolve? Well, we've pretty much labeled and categorized those, too ... haven't we? Birds, snakes, certain fish, ho hum. We know eons ago tiny mammals (yay team!) were given a break and basically took over the whole ballgame. Sure we did. We just marched right in, found our niche, tweaked a few vertebrae and developed a more efficient brain model with which to store, compress and download memory (crucial to the intellectual progression of any species) - and here we are with our ipods and designer clothing and forays through darkest space.
We do not one whit consider the possibility that another species of creatures may have long shared our space with us, or developed alongside of us, or ahead of us, in the misty eons of the past. Or arrived from elsewhere, found Earth prime real estate and decided to set up housekeeping here, or nearby.
Perhaps it's time to reconsider.
If evolution, on planets similar to Earth with similar system factors (and there are thought to be millions of such environments sharing our universe), follows a certain template of progression, then there must unarguably be an astonishing large number of such planets on which the reptilian/saurian life forms did not meet their untimely doom in the same manner that occurred upon planet Earth. These saurians would have gone on to adapt, change, progress, evolve and eventually dominate or co-dominate their environment as a logical chain of nature. There is nothing, I repeat ... NOTHING outlandish or fantastical about such a supposition.
Perhaps this sequence of evolution has occurred on our neighbor, Mars? Yes Mars! In ages past, Mars was not in its current position in the solar system (fact). At one time, Mars lay closer to the sun. It is conjectured that whatever struck planet Earth (in what is now the Pacific area), and created our satellite the moon (without which life on our planet would likely not exist, or at least as we know life to be), and also created at least one of our asteroid belts. Mars was quite likely at one time to have been as verdant an ecosystem as Earth, and surely life flourished therein. But did life have enough 'time' to get a handhold and spring forth more fully developed forms, beyond simple bacteria and such?
Eventually, we'll know more about this. Just remember what I said in my previous post regarding the Missing Link and Mar. Anyway, with all the previous said, let's now return to the original topic of The Grays and the harvesting of mankind.
If nothing else may be said, one can at least rest assured that Nature is not wasteful. While some would say that man's natural predator is merely the virus, bacteria and other parasites, it may also be said that these self-same parasites are present across the board at all stages of the food-chain and cannot truly be said to occupy a niche, so to speak. The cow also has her bacteria and the shark his wrasse, but these are not niche placements of the like I am referring to.
No, nature does not waste energy. Nature IS energy, is the expression of life in energetic form and all life, thus as we know, comes down to a very basic energetic equation as expressed in the laws of thermodynamics. Energy, in the form of heat, seems to be a necessary requirement that must be ever re-plenished.
As we are all familiar from our school days with the progression of the food chain, I am not going to go over the ladder here. But taking a look at the number one position, we find homo sapiens standing proud and tall. So proudly a superior predator - yet only under rare circumstance does man not falter and succumb and thus lay toppled by the enormity of his emotional shadow. We only need to peruse the daily paper to see the truth of this statement; from peasants to kings, to presidents and celebrities, do we over and over see a creature who cannot, does not and will not over ride his emotional impulses.
And just where does our emotional angst go? Where is the lamprey who must exist to harvest this energy? Again, nature does not waste. Life cannot be wasteful because energy is too necessary to existence. Earth is literally a flourishing crop of emotional energy and it is not unfathomable to think that we may perhaps be pruned, hybred, fertilized and encouraged (man - be fruitful and multiply) as is the case with that which We consume.
The deer of the forest has no conception nor comprehension that his pheromones are used to entrap him. The rabbit knows to stand motionless, or run and hide when he senses the lurking hunter, but the rabbit cannot know that a group of men existing on a tiny front porch in the depth of Missouri are at this moment planning to hunt him. In order to successfully feed, the predator must always be more clever or faster or invisible and, above all, incomprehensible, to his prey!
So, if not The Grays, or Reptilians ... or whathaveyou, it is not illogical to assume that something must so prey upon us. We, at least, do have the natural protection of imagination. Without memory, deductive reasoning and imagination - the ability to compare present experience with that of the past and imagine alternatives, we would be no more than rabbits in the field.
Yet, unless we exercise on a near-daily basis a strength of character that is almost impossible to maintain, we are emotionally harvested to the point of abject weariness. We are literally wrung out like rags on the basement floor. The grays or aliens or someone relentlessly squeezes us dry, or just when we think we have a measure of control, a handle on life and ourselves well in hand, once again our mettle is tested, often beyond our ability to endure or overcome.
And we will continue to be harvested, to be squeezed and wrung dry, to be exploited and manipulated into infinity and beyond, until we can fully utilize the only natural coloration, the only protection available to us, and that is emotional maturity. Control.
Think on this: from Robert Monroe, Robert Bruce, Seth/Jane, Swedenborg, Don Juan and other famous out of body travelers, also a select percentage of near death experiencers, all have unanimously reported a veritable sea of energy feeders existing right beyond our physical awareness. These travelers maintained that the only way to safely navigate the astral waters was to not react, to maintain control and above all to NOT TO FEAR!
When was the last time you went 24 hours without fear? Without a war shoved in your face, anxiety created by job insecurity, rising prices or the fear of eternal damnation as proposed by your church? When was the last time you managed to act firmly and ethically in your own best interest, and cause no fear in another? When was the last time you fully and completely managed to think well of others, of yourself, and seek God or a higher place not based around fear of the alternatives or getting caught. When was the last time a magazine cover plastered with articles for self-improvement or enhanced and exaggerated sexual images did not fill you with self-loathing? Do you even remember a time when you could innocently eat a slice of cake or drink a sugared soda without guilt and the need to defend yourself? Is it really all that important how your neighbor worships God, or whether he does so at all, or how you are going to look in bathing suit on the beach this summer? When was the last time you made love and were not ashamed of your body?
Shame, fear and guilt.
You know, I have to wonder what happens to the cow who refuses to play the game? Like the Monkees sang, what happens if they gave a war and nobody came? What would happen to our predators if all we expressed was compassion and unconditional love for all? Even for our predators?
I can tell you what happens. The experience changes. Whitley Strieber said as much. And that doesn't mean we are no longer preyed upon, it only means that different tactics are employed and different energies harvested. Personally, I would much sooner be squeezed of love and joy than fear.
Abducted or not, awash in a sea of Reptilian and the Grays, aliens, or not, our emotional climate, our sociological nightmare will only end the day that we, collectively and individually, become better than we are. We deserve no more and no less than that.

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