Gray Aliens Examination -welcome to the conspiracy....

This site is dedicated to the close encounter experiencer and open minded individual seeking to further their understanding of alien abduction amid the complex phenomena surrounding the Gray Aliens. Side issues may include Beings of Light, Reptilians, dreams, self hypnosis, telepathy and ESP as well as taking a closer look at the alien species itself in the grey alien examination series.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Missing Link REPTILIANS


Has the mysterious, missing link been finally uncovered? Or re-discovered. Scarcely a week ago, paleontologists shocked the world with the announcement that the fossil of a lemur-like creature dubbed "Ida" that flourished 47 million years ago in Germany is thought to be the 'missing link' in human evolution! This is not truly surprising, considering the 'oldest' part of the human triune (meaning 3 part) brain-system model is called the R-Complex or Reptilian Complex, named for the most advanced area of the brain that higher mammals share with the reptiles. This ancient Reptilian Complex may sometimes over ride the more rational functions of the brain - resulting in primitive and unpredictable behavior in the most sentient of creatures. Including man!
Ever struggle with panic attacks or the flight-or-fight syndrome? You may thank your R-Complex for this.
Continuing on, the term 'missing link' is being bandied about in the media, inadvertently giving the impression that what has been found is the sole transitional link between two diverse species. It would perhaps be more accurate to conclude that Ida is an evolutionary link, one of countless such links, that charter the development and refinement of the biological characteristics current to our species. When it comes to niche placement, nature has a marvelous system of trial and error, keeping certain traits while dispensing with others. It is of interest to note the developmental stages of the human fetus in utero - so much like a compressed history of human evolution in miniature.
With all that said and out of the way, let's get down to business and consider the Reptilian, the reptilian hybrids and the gray aliens themselves. Personally, I cannot fathom that all the smoke doesn't have at least a tiny fire of truth hidden somewhere amongst the reports of so many close encounter experiencers (CEEs). If these reports were nothing more than archetypes from deep within the human psyche, (and if they were only this then we need to discover what impels man to sprout gray aliens and reptilians like dandelions on the lawn of his subconscious!) ... anyway, if these reports are no more than archetype mythological hallucinations then where are our satans and santas and all the rest? If man has the actual ability to manifest cultural archetypes into some quasi-reality experience, we would not be able to stroll down a sidewalk without tripping over 20 foot tall goat footed devils and gleaming, plutonium-suited robots from the planet Asimov! Amazing how we manage to pick and choose our manifestations (sarcastic sigh)!
In addition, both history and mythology (or what has been labeled mythology) are literally RIFE with accounts of Dracos, Illuminati, the Serpent Gods and so on - with perhaps the most famous of all being the controversial Book of Dzyan, said to be an ancient Tibetan text which reputedly outlines the event of a reptilian race called the Sarpa or Great Dragons who arrived from out of the sky and brought civilization to the people of Earth. This is a constant theme in ancient teachings - the arrival of a God or sons of God or star beings from out of the heavens, imparting rules of civilization and much needed knowledge to the primitive cultures, and then departing to parts unknown with the promise to return.
The Gods will someday return. (they might want to speed this up)
Unless they've already returned and haven't exactly proclaimed their exalted status in lieu of the fact that the humble, easily awed savages have now morphed into an arrogant and heavily armed herd of close-minded morons (okay, I'm kidding here ... but only partially).
What we are left with is a near obsession with the stars and astronomy couched in personalised legends, dieties, battles and all the like. The Son of God (Ra) (Amen) (Jesus) theme proliferates history. However, this was done for a reason and in a way that early man could make sense of stellar events and convey this information to his fellow man.
Knowing this, it still must be said that something hidden lies within the Serpent and Reptilian accounts. To this day, we moderns knowingly or unknowingly incorporate the serpent symbol in an abundance of icons and imagery, including the medical Rod of Asciepius - which consists of a serpent twined around a staff.
The Earth's energy grid or ley lines is also expressed as serpentine symbolism. So is the DNA strand. And on and on.
We are obsessed with anything Reptilian, to the point of revulsion, terror, worship and object curiosity. We see eight foot tall Reptilians and small grey aliens steal into our rooms and our minds and our life and do what they will.
We beg for the return of the Gods and we huddle in despair as Planet X draws ever closer. Our men of science cannot wait to step foot on the surface of Mars. Mars, named for the ancient God of War. Did you know that in Turkey, the Iranians knew the ancient, reptilian-mammal hybrid Aryan Kings as MAR, which means snake in Persian? These were the descendants of the dragon!
Ancient China also had its Dragon Kings who were described as part human and part serpent.
Is the true missing link a hybrid between man and God? Who and what and why are the Reptilians? to be continued in part II

1 comment:

  1. simple. the serpent who beguiled eve was an upright beast whose sperm could mingle with human. it beguiled(defiled) eve and thats where cain came. it only turned to snake, a reptile, when it was cursed by God.I guess it was a hansome, tall and attractive creature. thats the missing link. Cain was the son of serpent. " and there were giants on earth those days..." goliath was one of them.. just serach the scripture..its hidden there all..
