Gray Aliens Examination -welcome to the conspiracy....

This site is dedicated to the close encounter experiencer and open minded individual seeking to further their understanding of alien abduction amid the complex phenomena surrounding the Gray Aliens. Side issues may include Beings of Light, Reptilians, dreams, self hypnosis, telepathy and ESP as well as taking a closer look at the alien species itself in the grey alien examination series.

Monday, May 25, 2009

The Light of God - Part II


Repeatedly, the Gray Aliens have used, manipulated and controlled light. The greys have also demonstrated their ability to usher man to his rightful home, that of the Divine Light. They have been viewed as akin to angels. Conversely, some aliens have also claimed demonic status - inspiring fear and terror in their captives. I believe this paradox arises from possibly a mirroring effect of our own emotions (e.g. if we think them demons then such they become), or there is a clever teaching mechanism set in place to guide us beyond the human tendency to either fear or worship.
Nonetheless, it seems today that with the wealth of information and entertainment at our disposal, we are continually becoming more and more familiar through exposure to this 'mysterious light' everyone is chattering about. Light, of course, is a frequency as well, and thus there are many references to vibes, vibrations, frequencies and the music of the spheres. Remember, in the beginning was the word!
Even today with all our marvelous human technologies, our gadgets and machines and particle accelerators, our lasers and rocket ships - we still don't know precisely what this Light of God actually is, or where it is, or even how it is. At least most of us don't, though I highly suspect this knowledge exists and is not made available. Personally, I do not think that we as a species are quite evolved enough to storm the gates of Heaven anytime soon (though I believe we will approach that point and physical death will cease to be the sole means of entry). I think it will be 'delayed' until we are ... matured.
I know I would certainly hate to have my own home 'stormed' by a pack of excitable chimpanzees. We as the 'dominant' life form on this planet have put in place safeguards that we may not be so stormed by the lower creatures. We protect our environment (or try to) from those living creatures that are not evolved enough to comfortably share our space with us, be they ants or antelopes.
Continuing on d0wn this hall of alien mirrors, somewhere - in another frequency perhaps - (maybe right in front of us and we don't possess the eyes to see) ... somewhere there lays an area of divine existence or magnificent evolvement in which light/frequency/harmonics is the prime source/tool/basic component. This area, it may be stated with probable accuracy, appears vast and highly populated. Humans, in this self-same area, experience an elasticity of their forms, a reflection of what they think and feel, and often do they ultimately see their own physical (?) form as nothing so much or less than that of an ovoid of light and energy.
And of course, not to negate spiritual values or step on any belief systems - it all boils down to a few very basic common denominators. Somebody, somewhere and somehow - has the ability to use light to their satisfaction and discretion. Heaven, seen in this perspective, might be nothing more or less than an extremely (to us) advanced civilization or empire. And this is not an illogical conclusion, by far!
Think about it. Everything, as far as we can determine, is energy. Slow energy carries greater mass, while faster energetic frequencies have less and less mass until you arrive at the subatomic particles which seem to be neither here nor there until the laser-like focus of our own attention fixes them into a 'frozen' state. I guess a better way of putting this would be to say that the 'density' of an object may be determined by it's rate of vibration.
Now, we today understand that not only our physical form but also our own brains, thoughts and emotions emit small but measurable amounts of energy. Our subconscious mind seems to process at a much faster rate than our waking mind, and that could be why dreams, hypnagogics and mystical states seem to be the breeding ground for most paranormal activities. Anyway, being as how we are all basically 'energy constructs', then I propose that the faster** our frequencies the closer we will approach 'light' or heavenly status. (I can already hear those with a strong religious bent screaming a protest but hear me out, and at least for the moment, be open minded and dispense with any reward or punishment system of soul evolvement. At least for the time being.)
So if frequency plays a part in our access of the so-called heavenly realm(s), it is interesting to note how we, as a civilized species, have been repeatedly admonished to love unconditionally, (I think the 10 Commandments are absolutely perfect guidelines for this process and anything else is redundant) ... we are told to only eat foods of a natural, high vibratory rate, to avoid meat and slaughter, in essence we are chastised to become better controlled, thinking creatures than mere animals (who have their own right to evolve the same as we). And these admonitions all serve to do what? To raise our frequency level above that of the baser animal construct. To fine tune our engines, if you like. So we may run faster.
My line of thinking goes this way: if indeed Heaven and the Light of God are areas of considerably higher frequencies, and also IF such frequencies are more easily perpetrated by those of a lighter soul or being, then it would follow that those who DO inhabit these realms would by necessity and logic be more evolved than we - evolved beyond base animal instinct and response mechanisms. Unconditional love would have to be the answer to ultimate survival. Because the being whose sheer focus was that of serenity, love for all, emotional control and rarity of form (as in rarefied or ethereal) would be the immortal. Heavy, dross, animal mass cannot - according to its own innate limitations - I repeat, cannot access nor survive such a high or fast state of vibration without ultimately coming apart at the seams. It would be like putting a crystal vase inside a paint-shaking-machine.
So whether this rate of lighter and faster and higher states of frequency continue to ascend into infinity, or whether there is a set point, I have no idea. But somebody is there, or right here, and knows what it's all about. In cosmic time, we are a rather young species. It would be the height of idiocy to suppose that there exist no other life form or forms that have been at our point of development and evolved further. Believe me, somebody has already been there and done that.
And if there exists a continuum of light and frequency, going beyond the infrared and the ultra-violet spectrum to who knows what - then imagine, if there is a stopping point or a set point, the magnificence of those who may dwell within! If God is light, what does that tell us. When NDE'ers report that not only are they part of the light, but they are part of God and he them, when they report a veritable ocean of Heavenly light peopled with beings of such brilliance and awe-inspiring wisdom, does that not point to a level of evolvement which we, too, shall obtain? At least within the illusion of time? And if time is truly an illusion of our consciousness interacting with reality, and of our brains assimilating events into a linear order, then WE ARE ALREADY IN THE LIGHT!
We just don't know it yet. We have forgotten who and what we are.
At least, that's what the Gray Aliens keep telling us.
** Aside from considerations of morality and ethics, this is primarily why I became a vegetarian. It does not seem soul-healthy (or even bodily-healthy) to ingest into my system a substance that is heavy, saturated with negative frequencies due to abuse, mistreatment, and the denial of its rightful development. To consume the energetic mass of animal only serves to keep our own beings in an 'animal' state of evolvement. There exists but two soul dictams: Do No Harm and Impose Your Will On None.

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