Gray Aliens Examination -welcome to the conspiracy....

This site is dedicated to the close encounter experiencer and open minded individual seeking to further their understanding of alien abduction amid the complex phenomena surrounding the Gray Aliens. Side issues may include Beings of Light, Reptilians, dreams, self hypnosis, telepathy and ESP as well as taking a closer look at the alien species itself in the grey alien examination series.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

The Reptilian Humanoid

REPTILIANS - The Ancient Aliens

Human mytho abounds with legends of serpent kings, ancient bloodlines and reptilian humanoids who walk on two legs. As I've previously mentioned, it is reasonable to assume that as planet Earth had her saurian hey-day, so must others of those earth-like planets our galaxy is thought to contain.

Life as we know it may follow a template of sorts; possibly elsewhere there exists not one but any number of multiple eco-spheres where mammals did not enjoy the luck of the draw as experienced on Earth. Planets where reptilians continued to dominate, evolve and flourish -albeit in a different manner than that on Earth.

Coincidentally or not, from Genesis or farther back into the misty annals of time, mankind has suffered a love-hate relationship with reptiles. Always has there been a fearful reverence for the snake, the lizard and we dream of powerful beings who strut on two legs, carry themselves with the arrogance of petty gods, and enjoy a powerful strength which puny man can never hope to attain.

Oddly enough, there have been multiple instances of close encounter experiencers (CEEs) who under natural or hypnotically induced recall, have found themselves inhabiting a reptilian or humanoid form, and, perhaps more importantly, undergo an alteration of their personality ego. While this could be no more or less than confabulation, telepathic suggestion on the part of the hypnotist, racial memory recall and other such mundane causes, it is noteworthy to consider how closely these 'psychic transformations' resemble one another.

The alien abductee or CEE finds himself possessed of the feel and imagery of a largely powerful creature, he may express disdain toward his physically human counterpart, he may impart information about a species interbreeding with our own (much to his disgust, it should be added) and otherwise behaves with all the aspects of a lordly creature forced to endure the rather trying experience of being set in amongst a band of illiterate peasants, who are barely worth his time and trouble. This reptilian counterpart seems to be operating under the instructions or agenda of his superiors, and has in some fashion agreed to 'interbreed' or inhabit his earthly shell. There is also the sense of repressed power and strength, and one such subject remarked how beautifully constructed he felt his alien feet to be!

Persons have privately reported to me dreams and hypnogogics wherein they, too, found themself inhabiting a reptilian form with an associated alteration of personality traits. One such individual remarked he was able to maintain multiple view points, able to experience himself as both the humanoid and the human.

In other dream-like sequences, others as well as myself have encountered that which I can only describe as incredibly ancient fossil or saurian type creatures whom were immediately telepathic in the sense that they had instantaneous awareness of the emotional nature and intention of what the dreamer was thinking, and these reptilian fossil humanoids were able to react with lightning speed, and seemed quite predatory in their actions. What is important to consider for a moment, is that if these images were little more than subconscious fears manifesting as iconic dinosaurs, as movies akin to Jurassic Park would seem to suggest, then why would these symbols be seen as living fossils or skeletons? Why not a fully fleshed slavering T-Rex and be done with it?

The metaphor of a fossilized reptilian humanoid at once points towards something incredibly old, something thought to be extinct, something resurrected. Remember always, the right brain uses imagery and plays a game of charades in order to convey information. We have to learn to speak the language of our dreams in order to understand them. With that said, what is the mind saying to us?

I have seen the reptilian humanoid as part of me, or perhaps a better way of expressing this would be to say 'joined or partnered' with me. Are some or all us from elsewhere distant, playing the parts of homosapiens unbeknownst to our waking ego? And if so, what is the plan? And who issues these orders?

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