Gray Aliens Examination -welcome to the conspiracy....

This site is dedicated to the close encounter experiencer and open minded individual seeking to further their understanding of alien abduction amid the complex phenomena surrounding the Gray Aliens. Side issues may include Beings of Light, Reptilians, dreams, self hypnosis, telepathy and ESP as well as taking a closer look at the alien species itself in the grey alien examination series.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Gray Aliens - Another Clue!


Following on the heels of my last post, I'd like to mention another oddity I tripped across that gave me pause for consideration. This particular remark occurred during a close encounter with the Gray Aliens, and I believe it is the little hints and clues, such as the following, that may help us grow in understanding regarding the physical reality of these beings.

As the account goes, an abductee was undergoing the staring procedure administered by the Tall Gray when, out of the blue, the alien remarked that 'he could see a myriad of very tiny bugs living on the inside of the abductee's eyelid'. While not as pertinent, this remark was also delivered with a certain inflection of distaste (again, are we humans relegated to the same status as mangy dogs riddled with fleas?).

Now, isn't this a rather odd thing for someone to confabulate if Gray Aliens and alien abductions are no more than subjective encounters or products of mass hysteria? Personally, I'd like to think my imagination is just a wee bit more creative than that. However, it is the odd remark and subtle inferences that may lend the greatest credence to the alien enigma. So let's forget the high drama for the present time, and take a closer look at the minutia.

Here are some of the questions prompted by the Tall Gray's remark ~

1) Besides the tremendously dark and over sized eyes, what attributes of vision must the Gray Aliens possess that they are literally capable of viewing the bacteria that lives on the human eyelid? Bacteria which we are only aware of via modern apparatus of high magnification. If the gray alien eye is able to see with such an incredible degree of magnification, then it is not unreasonable to assume that they are indeed able to also discern the direct neural pathway from the human inner eye leading to the brain stem. (note: while I'm not an opthomologist or neural specialist, I can't help but notice, while reading over some of the information available on the Internet, just how much is now known about the construction of the human eye and its circuitry to the brain. It's beyond my ability to recant/regurgitate this information in the manner it deserves, but I highly suggest anyone truly interested in how the Gray Aliens may possibly interface/stage dramas/induce visions/emotions/orgasm/and all the rest of what is known about the staring procedure do some research on their own. Try typing in a few keywords such as 'human eye direct pathway brain' and see what you come up with. This is definitely an area in its own right for concerted research. If the Grays can honestly tap into the workings of our brain in a manner suggestive of neural circuitry via the human eye, then that would go a very long way to explain how it is that they seem to control and manipulate their subjects. At least superficially, this ability may be plausible. In lieu of abduction accounts, it seems more than plausible.

2) Again, we are given to feel - over and over, that the Gray Aliens in particular, regard us as a more 'animalistic' or lower species than themselves. Many a close encounter experiencer (CEE) has remarked upon this feeling of 'and I knew how a homeless man in LA must feel', 'they made me feel dirty', 'the grays in that place avoided me, I felt like an animal that they chose to ignore', etc. Or 'I got the impression that Earth was just a dirty little bus-stop in the middle of nowhere, and I started to see Earth like they did. We were a dirty little bus-stop and that's all we were'.

With all our techno toys and gadgetry, with all our vast array of hygienic products, medical procedures, sanitary awareness, water purification, the ridiculous lengths we go to make our bodies strong, forever young and alluring - it is fairly sobering to be relegated to status of cats in a kennel. We are not so fabulously wonderful as we think we are; and we are definitely not the end all and be all of God's creation. As unpleasant as this may be, there is not a man or woman alive who will not honestly admit that mankind as a whole exhibits a sickness of society that is reflected back to us in a thousand ways each day. Whether or not we blame the Illuminati, the Reptilians, our World leaders, mental illness, God or Satan, the inherent physiology of the primate or anything else, we must face the fact that we are not well.

Oftentimes, the Gray Aliens come across as shepherds culling, grooming and leading their flock into the future of our own potential. Unfortunately, one of the major areas in which they try to help us is in the area of subjective emotional response, the very area that lends such disbelief and prompts excessive ridicule on the part of non-experiencers. This 'healing' (as we may well call it) of the human psyche is a double edged sword, for the Grays either disregard or are oblivious to the human need for peer acceptance, herd approval that is denied the CEE in matters of the paranormal.

I suspect, within their capacity to do so, and despite their apparent hive mentality, that the Gray Aliens cannot quite relate to the human need to 'fit in' because their herd has the added trait of what we would loosely term telepathy or ESP (direct mind to mind communication), and as such - this ability would have quickly stymied any herd 'posturing', power struggles, deceit, trickery and emotional duplicity such as found in humankind. The Gray Alien herd/hive would have bypassed the very type of 'sickness' inherent in our own species. And with this bypass, given the right evolutionary conditions, they would have likely evolved surer and stronger and more quickly than man, who is forever hampered by his own condition.

We may indeed learn a lot from our Gray visitors.

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