Gray Aliens Examination -welcome to the conspiracy....

This site is dedicated to the close encounter experiencer and open minded individual seeking to further their understanding of alien abduction amid the complex phenomena surrounding the Gray Aliens. Side issues may include Beings of Light, Reptilians, dreams, self hypnosis, telepathy and ESP as well as taking a closer look at the alien species itself in the grey alien examination series.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Gray Aliens - Revelations and Warnings


With 2012 nearly upon us, comes a sense of disquietude, of fear and apprehension regarding what may be the beginning of the end, a transformation into a higher-vibratory species (you will be changed in the twinkling of an eye), the Rapture, Gods or aliens who may return to reveal themselves fully in the light of day, the impact of Wormwood or other space-body collision, the approach of Planet X, the three days of darkness prior to our solar system's inner passage through the Pleiadian photon belt, the explosion of nuclear war or North America's super volcano, a complete magnetic shift of the axis, the coming Superstorm, the false prophet and the Anti-Christ, social and political tyranny and the New World Order, the enslavement of man from within or without, ... or simply nothing ado and business as usual.

We can conjecture until we are blue in the face (and take great delight in so doing), but until Dec. 21, 2012 arrives - with or without fanfare, we simply do not know what, if anything, awaits behind the curtain of time.

But we have been warned since time out of mind, that we stand at the threshold of something, and that something is not necessarily going to be all peaches and cream. Whether or not these warnings have their origin in superstition and millennium hysteria remains to be seen. But it must be admitted, religion, myth and spirituality aside, that mankind has long, long been concerned with the movements of the heavens - far and beyond the yearly cycles of planting and harvest - and has expended ungodly amounts of time, resources and man power in pursuit of precise astrological configurations via ancient constructions to mark and record this information for their own benefit, as well as that of countless future generations.

What was so important to track?

The Gray Aliens and their ilk warn man of upcoming change. They tell us while they 'may not intervene', they will be here to rescue us. Maybe. If all goes according to plan.

Whether or not the gray aliens simply mirror man's flavor-of-the-week fears back at him - from the 1950's warnings on the use of the Atom Bomb, to our current situation of global warming and environmental destruction (at least the aliens stay current), the overall message condensed in a nutshell is to 'clean up our act' and do so now. Which results in a high level of individual frustration because due to the stranglehold of corporate and governmental machinations, we as individuals able to affect any change is such a slow and tedious process that we are almost defeated before we begin. How can the Gray Aliens be so oblivious to the powerful institutions that reign our society? Or maybe they are not so oblivious as they appear, and deliberately set out to foster this high degree of frustration and angst.

Which hardly seems worth the effort if we are going to be shooting craps as a species anytime soon.

What they do succeed in accomplishing on occasion, is a self-evaluation of the close encounter experiencer (CEE). For in direct proportion to the stranglehold of our institutions, arises an individual desire to better one's self in all ways that matter. It is certainly a paradox of no mean proportion!

For all man's intellectual and technological prowess, take an honest look at the trappings of our society, at the immaturity and wanton selfishness of the human animal, and then convince yourself that all is just dandy. Individually we have a lot going for us, but as a collection - we are a sorry, self-centered bunch. We abuse nature on a heinous scale, from the 'factory' processing of living, feeling creatures - to the whole scale decimation of third world country resources who are too indebted and powerless to protect what is rightfully theirs. As long as there is a celebutante scandal to titillate us, a hamburger to sate us, ever new and changing products and attire to feed our egos and enhance our sexuality, new toys to alleviate our boredom, and diverse cultures and belief systems to pit our tribal need for homeostasis against (call this war) - as long as our animal sensations and needs call the shots, we are as good as lost and deserve to be lost.

Yes, I am bashing my species. Yes, I am including myself. Yes, I think we deserve no better than the worst we met out to others. And as soon as you click off this post, pat yourself on the back for being a Christian or whatever your spiritual affiliation may be, and continue your ignorant, self-centered habitue of greed, lust, abuse, ignorance and deceit. Then pray for forgiveness and mercy from whatever source of power stands head and shoulders above yourself. To whom does nature pray?

Personally, whether or not the Gray Aliens, Reptilians, souls, deities or the rest of the usual suspects do in fact exist, I honestly, at this moment, do not give a d**n. I am so frustrated by the inherent potential for beauty, grace and knowledge that mankind possesses, yet so disgusted by the selfish and imbecilic behavior we exhibit on a moment by moment basis. I am so bloody tired of it all, and, if reincarnation is also a fact, you couldn't pay me enough to put on one of these monkey suits and return to this dirty little bus stop.

And maybe this honest self-appraisal and frustration is what it's all about. I really don't need a bigger screen TV, new lipstick, a fat juicy steak, or a pill to enhance my sexual performance. What I need is to mature as a living, thinking being and acknowledge my responsibilities to the rest of creation. To earn my place among the angels.

How about you?

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