Gray Aliens Examination -welcome to the conspiracy....

This site is dedicated to the close encounter experiencer and open minded individual seeking to further their understanding of alien abduction amid the complex phenomena surrounding the Gray Aliens. Side issues may include Beings of Light, Reptilians, dreams, self hypnosis, telepathy and ESP as well as taking a closer look at the alien species itself in the grey alien examination series.

Monday, July 13, 2009

How to Contact the Gray Aliens


More than one close encounter experiencer (CEE) has reported being
told that the gray aliens are always with us, or we with them. With dimensions/frequencies/time/space being merely labels to describe the conditions of a 'whole', then the Grays may very well always be with us, as there would be nowhere else for them to go. What I like to call 'interfaces' would depend on conditions of awareness, either by one or both parties. I suspect, however, that the Grays are more easily aware of us than we of them. This is not to imply that the aliens find us so wonderfully fascinating that they are keep their attention constantly fixated upon us. Instead, I prefer to consider that the very nature of their biological senses lends them a greater awareness of our presence, should they deign to do so. Furthermore, I also believe that this is why, despite the numerous accounts of close encounter interfaces, the Grays are rarely, if ever, seen outside of their 'scientific' environment. Very little, if anything, is known about any social or otherwise structures of which they surely must play a part. This, coupled with accounts I've already mentioned in other posts regarding experiments with DMT subjects - where the entities encountered were primed and ready for the arrival of the test human, as if they were somehow privy in advance to be on the alert for the interloping subject - lends me to consider that, despite our obliviousness to what or whom awaits in the shadows, others, including the gray aliens, may not be so inherently uninformed.

The key then, to contacting the Grays at will (although just because we 'call' does not necessarily mean they will care to 'pick up' the phone), may rest upon our ability to heighten and hone our natural senses, and to learn how to best utilize our consciousness - by tweaking, trial and error - to open up the lines for communication. While we cannot possibly know with any certainty precisely the frequencies and biological attributes under which the aliens function, we can experiment of our own free will in order to gauge what efforts prove the most fruitful. If nothing else, this method would provide, at the very least, an illusion of control which too many CEEs seem to so desperately need.

With that in mind, the first order of business would be to attempt to establish what brain wave state (beta, alpha, theta, delta) is the most conducive to contact and to mimic/induce that state. For many reasons, too numerous to examine here in detail, I believe the alpha and theta states are the best bet. And there are available for purchase audio programs galore from which to make a selection (I've been very pleased with the tapes I've owned and used over the years, but that is my personal preference. One thing to be aware of, these programs are never to be used when driving or operating machinery).

Another method to induce alien contact, is to find a quiet, dark area where you are certain not to be disturbed, and place yourself in loose, comfortable clothing, and in a position where your body is fully at ease (but if one is too tired or too comfortable, you'll run the risk of falling asleep before any headway can be accomplished). Once you are comfortably sequestered, with no outside noise interference, etc., relax your mind, disregard any irrelevant roof brain chatter, and concentrate thusly: without too much attention to detail (which could lead to left brain interference), simply envision your consciousness, your you floating, drifting in a sea of energy. Pay close attention to any particular 'area' you may drift or be attracted to, and then go with it. Imagine, feel your mind open and receiving, but above all - imagine your mind, your consciousness within this electrical, energetic plasmic sea, as a beacon of thought - sending, emitting a signal for contact. And, when and if, you feel a responsive tug, pay the very closest attention to what this signal 'feels' like (you'll know what I mean when it happens). Once you have established a mental hook into this 'feel', gently hold on to it and begin to ask questions, all while being careful not to mentally let go of this hook. Additionally, form your questions, simply - precisely - accurately, with clear mental images of what you wish to communicate, avoiding words or any other verbal impediment. Do not think the word 'spaceship', but rather place an image of a spaceship in your mind. I'm sure you get the idea, and, with practice, you will certainly get the hang of this method.

The idea behind the above method hinges on the elimination of man's left-brain dependence on the verbal and written communication. It is the same as trying to convey the idea of a rowboat to someone who does not speak your language. You must first establish a communication with universal images, rather than locale terms. And as for the idea of a mental 'hook', again - man is so dependent upon name and face recognition, that in an area of open energies, where all is wave and not particle, we need to learn to recognize and discern identity by another means. You know, even if you have never yet considered that you do, the energetic signature of a loved one - the 'feel' of that loved one. Use this inherent ability to 'feel' out what lies beyond the perimeters of your five senses. You will be amazed at the results.

Finally, a third method for establishing a line of alien communication, is that of flashing a sequence of light aimed at the night sky. There are those individuals who claim great success with this method, although I cannot personally vouch for this as I've yet to give it a try. I would imagine it is to be done in a relatively remote location, or at least at a sufficient distance from the interference of other light sources. Whether or not this is a safe method, again - I have no idea. But were one to attempt this, I would be careful not to place myself in too remote a location, and to take another person or two along for company. Remember, common sense applies whether you are alien hunting or deep sea fishing. There is no point in exposing one's self to unnecessary danger.

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