Gray Aliens Examination -welcome to the conspiracy....

This site is dedicated to the close encounter experiencer and open minded individual seeking to further their understanding of alien abduction amid the complex phenomena surrounding the Gray Aliens. Side issues may include Beings of Light, Reptilians, dreams, self hypnosis, telepathy and ESP as well as taking a closer look at the alien species itself in the grey alien examination series.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Soul Science - Future Predictions

Despite the fears and doubts that plague each and every one of us on a daily - if not moment by moment - basis, our immortal future likely exists as a fait accompli and all will turn out exactly as it should. Exactly as conceived, carried out and concluded, all according to 'plan', yet not in the way we think of something that is predesigned or 'fated' to be, but in a way that allows for a freedom of will and wiggle room within the original design. In other words, life is a foregone conclusion in all things.

As broad and sweeping as the above generalization appears, I'll tighten up my line of reasoning in a moment, but before I do - since this isn't really about a process in the linear fashion in which we tend to think - I've got to ramble all over the place making the points of association that have got me to thinking in this particular way, about a particular 'science of soul' that I have very good reason to suspect exists, whether or not we are aware of it. (I am very inclined to analyze, to shuffle through the disparate and to gather in those bits of common denominators, to try to latch onto any outstanding threads I can uncover that will help wind my way through this mysterious and marvelous tapestry we call Life - such is my proclivity. Maybe I just have too much free time on my hands lol)

Anyway, you understand that I have been thinking and conjecturing. And what I propose is that there is indeed, a very real and concrete 'science' (for lack of a better term) of the soul, of our immortal selves and the continuance and betterment thereof, that firmly exists because we are in the process of creating it, in the here and now. Like a mobius strip, like the spiralling of our DNA, what is being done has already been done and, as such, has always existed. We are talking patterns here, versus linear progression of events.

Stay with me on this, though it gets worse before it, hopefully, gets better. Now, take the personal experiences of famed out of body (OBE) researcher and explorer Robert Monroe*. If any credence is to be attributed his decades of painstaking methodology, then we must certainly allow a pause or two to fully consider what was implied by his meetings with his I-There, his many, many parts of One, his unification of these parts, and his completion of patterns of his soul's (I-There, future self, One, etc - take your pick of label) experience. For not only did Robert Monroe allegedly repeat and fulfill events as already (as we consider time to be) experienced by his future self, but then he, too, once having experienced a pattern of events, became the future self who in turn helped a 'younger' self to again complete a pattern. As if, in some mobius manner, from the oversoul on high down through to the youngest and smallest version of the Entire Entity, each and every facet of this Total Being Entire Entity (the One) had to run the obstacle course for itself, to complete an event pattern, before it could be bumped up into a union/melding/awareness which put this facet onto the next 'rung' of its own ladder. In other, more simpler terms - Robert Monroe's experiences were very akin to the New Age theory that 'it is not so much a matter of discovering what one does not know, but instead a matter of remembering what is already known'.

Time, according to this conception, does not exclusively run forward in the way we think it, but instead is a side effect of events experienced, remembered and re-experienced, until a complete pattern of individual soul awareness is established throughout all parts of the self-aware energy.

Admittedly, this concept takes some work to wrap the mind around, so conditioned are we to the 'forward arrow' of time. (Interestingly enough, as a tidbit here - Robert Monroe, when he was guessing the identity of his mysterious helper/The One - queried if this entity was an ET/alien, and his One responded 'No, that is a different pattern!')

So, the pattern I believe is before us, that we are collectively experiencing under the illusion of forward time, is that of setting our immortality or science of soul into place. It's simply a foregone conclusion, should man not 'self-destruct' and survive long enough to finish his tasks, then we are at every moment, in every way, engaged in the process of learning and securing what will turn out to be an immortal state. Each step that progresses our knowledge of medicine, technology, eco-awareness, ethics, morals, God, soul, self, psychology, ease of living, cosmic exploration, sub-atomic particles, gravity, light, frequencies - the whole d**n kit and kaboodle, are no more than fundamental steps as part the immortality pattern (which, of course, is where we must 'first' go).

Eventually, we will prolong life further and further, better understand disease, create cures for the same, expand upon our knowledge of light and energy, how the physical body functions et al. We will learn to cure distinguish the energetic body and discover how to work upon it, we will tweak, experiment and duplicate the entire process. Currently, one area of scientific interest is the transference of consciousness. And the things we can now do - things such as the mind successfully interfacing with computers, wheelchairs, and that ilk - are all STEPS along a way, steps that will inexorably lead us, eventually, to the culmination of immortality. There is no other direction to go. We are driven, by the very need to survive, to accomplish these things and thus we will.

Yet, once having achieved this milestone (and do not think it will be a static thing - we will continue to tweak and explore the very nature of immortality and consciousness itself, for this is how man is designed) - we have completed a crucial 'pattern'. More importantly, once time and entropy and consciousness has been surmounted, it is thus achieved throughout the entire now of man's experience. Remember, time is an illusion, a misinterpretation of consciousness negotiating 3-dimensional 'space'.

Regardless if it takes man another 1,500 years to accomplish his own immortality, once it has been accomplished, it is 'accomplished' for all time. That includes you and I sitting here in our perceived now. This is how you are able to meet the light, how you are able to connect with a higher self, discourse with the spirit, talk with your dead, reincarnate, divide your consciousness and so forth. Since the light is already here, and since man must eventually succeed in his quest for immortality, it has already been done. Linear time will not be the absolute we think it is, nor is it in the 'now'.

We are simply experiencing one of many, countless patterns of being.

Another way to think of it is this: As you sit now reading this, imagine your 10 year old self walking into the room to sit beside you. While, in our terms, you and he are the same individual separated by 'time', what really separates you are events. Therefore, you and the 10 year old, while sharing the same energetic 'root', are distinct and different 'branches' on the entire tree of One. You do not, as yet, share the same events.

What you do indeed share, is the same pattern of experience.

* Again, I simply cannot recommend Robert Monroe's books highly enough! Journeys Out of Body, Far Journeys, Ultimate Journey are must reads.

So is the Seth material by Jane Roberts, though much of Seth's writings
require a strict focus of concentration to fully grasp his meaning. Definitely not for the average novice, but for those whose minds have already been conditioned to think outside the 'box'.

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