Gray Aliens Examination -welcome to the conspiracy....

This site is dedicated to the close encounter experiencer and open minded individual seeking to further their understanding of alien abduction amid the complex phenomena surrounding the Gray Aliens. Side issues may include Beings of Light, Reptilians, dreams, self hypnosis, telepathy and ESP as well as taking a closer look at the alien species itself in the grey alien examination series.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Alien and Angel Dependency


Like it or not, one of the least talked about aspects of the close encounter and alien abduction scenario, is the soul wrenching angst for completion/connection with something or someone beyond our everyday reach.
Despite fear, pain or trauma, those close encounter experiencers (CEEs) who hold a conscious awareness of alien interaction throughout their life, are in some ways worse for wear than the hit-and-run experiencers or those persons whose encounters remain in the shadowy hinterland of easily dismissed dreams ... and this is not because the consciously aware CEEs are subjected to the unearthly again and again, but because these individuals become emotionally dependent on the alien he/she/it who so easily, so casually connects with the human being on levels of depths that are so profoundly felt, in such an ecstasy of union, that - like a drug addict - an endorphin fix - the normal, everyday waking reality becomes but a pale shadow compared to what is now known to be the 'real, best thing'.
This level of intimacy attained far surpasses anything suggestive of human sexuality. Indeed, once this spiritual bonding has been experienced, all other unions are left exposed as the insufficient, incomplete and frustrating encounters they have always been. We just never before knew it. In this case, ignorance is certainly bliss.
We can see a faint similarity with the infant who seeks to meld and be enfolded back into its mother. Again, with our beloved pets who cannot, no matter how hard they try, get close enough to our side and crawl within our own skin. This is often the case with our romantic encounters, for no matter the magnificence of the experience, we are nevertheless left outside the other, and our sense of isolation that much more poignant.
Now, multiply this X 100 and you begin to get some idea of the anguish or rage, consciously or subconsciously, held in the emotional awareness of those CEEs who, once having experienced the Tall Gray Alien or Light Being bonding procedure, are left bereft when the connection is broken. The distress brought about by this loss cannot nor should not be minimized.
Because this is a depth of intimacy that our species is not prepared for, nor perhaps capable of achieving, at our present day level of evolvement. And often, like the pet turned aside or the toddler put to bed while the grown-ups converse, or even the lovers who go their separate ways - the CEE may experience moments of deep depression, sadness and inexplicable yearning for reasons he or she cannot bring into daily awareness.
Ultimately, we, as a species, simply do not understand nor have sufficient experience with matters of the soul/energetic/alien realities to walk unscathed within their fiery citadels. The Light truly may complete us, if only we are not burned beyond repair in the process.

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