Gray Aliens Examination -welcome to the conspiracy....

This site is dedicated to the close encounter experiencer and open minded individual seeking to further their understanding of alien abduction amid the complex phenomena surrounding the Gray Aliens. Side issues may include Beings of Light, Reptilians, dreams, self hypnosis, telepathy and ESP as well as taking a closer look at the alien species itself in the grey alien examination series.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Gray Alien Abductions and Hybrids VI


At this stage of the game, it would be easy to conclude the real purpose of the gray aliens' agenda is that of infiltrating the everyday world of humanity, via the insertion of bio-engineered human look-alikes. The inducement to do so would also seem to be the generation of more easily manipulated human strife/loosh/energetic nourishment. Remember, despite the nature of hybrid intimate involvement with their human 'projects', the humans are intended to be utilized as a resource rather than a 'resort'. In other words, work before pleasure.
And, at least as reported, while the alien hybrids may express a tinge of regret or reluctance that such is their mandate, nonetheless they appear to willingly accede to the ideology the Grays have implanted in them. If there are renegade/rebellious hybrids about, we certainly don't catch wind of them.
Obviously then, the Grays want us alive and functioning. So we can dispense with any pre-conceived notions of genocide and all the rest. But whatever it is they are truly about, it seems they are taking the long road to get there. From our reckoning of time, anyhow. Note however, the grays have stated more than once that our time is not their time; if they are inhabitants of a slightly different energy field, then they could very well have an entirely different experience with time than we ourselves. And along this same line of conjecture: if the gray aliens exist outside of time (as we think it), it is just as plausible that instead of having co-existed with man, interfering and so on, for hundreds or thousands of years, they may JUST as easily have inserted themselves at various points along our sequential time line or point of reference - from one solitary instance/or point of reference/event of their experience.
To us it would appear that the Gray aliens either live as near immortals, or that they have been with us for eons and eons, when it fact the truth of the matter could be that they exit their plane of existence on a Tuesday at noon (poor analogy on my part) and pop-up across the board of humanity's sequential time line, appearing simultaneously in Sumeria, 17th century Europe and 20th century America - which presents the illusion that they have long been with us. I think this is likely the case.
Sequential time, as we know it, would simply not be applicable, and in fact may undermine our tentative understanding of the entire alien enigma. Please bear in mind again, there have been more than a few instances in which the Grays have been seen in the company of our deceased. They have claimed to have been present with us both prior to and, apparently, after our own exit from our three-dimensional plane. This and so much more bespeaks a species, if nothing else may be said, that springs from an area not subject and constrained to the same laws of time and space as we suppose ourselves to be. While event may follow event, and cause and effect be the same for them as we, the 'frame of reference' for such must be worlds apart. Literally.
So, in one sense, despite the perceived urgency of the 'project' that lends itself to so many alien abductees, they, the Grays - may have all the 'time' in the world at their disposal.
So again, what is it the Grays work to accomplish?

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