Gray Aliens Examination -welcome to the conspiracy....

This site is dedicated to the close encounter experiencer and open minded individual seeking to further their understanding of alien abduction amid the complex phenomena surrounding the Gray Aliens. Side issues may include Beings of Light, Reptilians, dreams, self hypnosis, telepathy and ESP as well as taking a closer look at the alien species itself in the grey alien examination series.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

The Grays and Immortality


So many thoughts run through my head. Thoughts regarding the gray alien enigma; ideas and conjectures like swift running water, some hard to catch and hold onto - mental birds in flight.
Enough with the prose.
Now, while we all realize many things - when given the quiet time to think and reflect upon - nevertheless man is kept frantically distracted to the point where his energies are ceaselessly channeled into those areas pertaining to survival, procreation, nesting and relaxation. We are kept so foolishly busy, so commercially and egotistically manipulated that rarely is it we have the time to collectively or individually step back and take the objective long view to measure our path, to see just what road we have taken and where it must lead us.
We, like countless cosmic species before and after our inception, are on the road to immortality. And with this statement, I am tossing all hint of religion and spiritually into the back room, for they do not apply as this is not a statement based on faith, myth or enlightenment. This is a fact. It has nothing to do with God or Satan; the reality that we, as a self-aware species, are operating under the directive of our own survival imprint with a conscious or subconscious quest for immortality lays at the very basis of everything we strive for.
Many, countless many, have undoubtedly walked in similar shoes. As soon as any living thing develops the awareness of "I Am", then so it must seek to defend that state. This is the evolution of all energetic life - be it the elephant, the check-out boy at the grocery store, or the scaled reptilian humanoid at the furthest reaches of the Milky Way Galaxy. The I within each of us demands we do so.
On a personal level, many of us (under the guise of defying age) - are obsessed with healthy living, the green eco-evolution, combat wrinkles and aches and pains, postpone our wills and plan for our futures. We simply do not wish to die because we fear the cessation of I Am.
And if you think our national quest for the stars or our advances in medicine, bio-technology, cybernetics and all the rest are simply exercises in curiosity and life-extension, you are most sadly mistaken.
For whether we admit it or not, we ARE on the path towards immortality. We must or perish in the process. All self-aware species, eventually, must - will - and already have do the same. And for the first time in mankind's eon long trek, we are seeing glimmers of this future immortality beckoning close on the horizon.
And this is no mirage.
Should we not cut the immortal mustard, then our energetic essence will simply transmutate (change state) into another vehicle to try and try again. Because it has to. Energy itself is driven to overcome heat death, and achieve a state of perpetual motion.
Therefore, since all life at one point or another in the energetic evolutionary process, must achieve the above - we must also, logically and inescapably, conclude that it has already been done. If the event termed the 'big bang' is not satisfyingly indicative enough, then sheer mathematics would certainly do so - as the Law of Averages so dictates. No matter how large a bowl of M&M's you put on the table, eventually you will pull out a red one. And the Law of Probabilities underscores this logic equally well.
So what does this mean?
It means that mankind, now, tomorrow or 10K light years from 'now' - will achieve immortality. And - here's the kicker folks...
We have already done so.
As soon as a self-aware energy achieves the state of perpetual motion, achieving immortality via cessation of heat-loss, then that energetic form must also escape the prison of time/space. It has to. Because time/space are both subjective AND objective measurements of a limited/vulnerable state wherein energy loss may and does occur.
Additionally, our energy has always been outside time and space, but our state of individuality, our I AM self-aware consciousness, has not. Remember, energy may not be created nor destroyed, it only changes states (vehicles of expression).
So completely and logically, man as an individual I Am, has and will reach the state of self-aware immortality at some point. He has no choice. And once he does this, once the singularity point has been met (and this is a highly applicable phrase if you think about what I have just stated) - THEN he and his entire energetic self, the entirety of his self-aware I Am, becomes free of the entire linear path and he may stand outside the path of time/space to enter/exist as he so chooses.
In other words, if immortality lays in mankind's future, then it becomes a fait accompli for him in the here and now. I am already immortal because I have achieved this at point X. Once point X is met, then I stand outside my own illusion of time/space.
And this is exactly what we already find to be the case when we are met by our own higher selves, our light beings, our soul essence, et al.
We are, at the very least, being met by that which we will become and, unknowingly, already are.

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