Gray Aliens Examination -welcome to the conspiracy....

This site is dedicated to the close encounter experiencer and open minded individual seeking to further their understanding of alien abduction amid the complex phenomena surrounding the Gray Aliens. Side issues may include Beings of Light, Reptilians, dreams, self hypnosis, telepathy and ESP as well as taking a closer look at the alien species itself in the grey alien examination series.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Daemon Within


Believe it or not, each of us walks in the company of demons. But before you run for the holy water, first understand that the original concept of daemon is much different that the meaning attributed to the term today.
In an early appearance as the Greek word 'daimon', it was a term applied to demi-gods or one who 'knew'. The demi-god was a being existing somewhere between man and God, sometimes in the role of spirit guide or guardian of man. Only in recent years (so to speak), has the word demon been firmly associated with an evil, supernatural being with ill intent towards man.
The importance of the Daemon in psychic matters may be clarified by understanding the following:
Each and every one of us, both you and I and all besides, are possessed (no pun intended) by a duality of consciousness as exemplified by our left and right brain hemispheres. We can be thought of as two souls within one body; two persons sharing one flesh. Ever since Freud made the astounding discovery of the existence of man's subconscious mind, we have been tortured with the uncomfortable awareness that we are not fully and completely the personality-self-in-charge that we once supposed ourselves to be - the master of our mental castle!
Instead, we are technically two beings in one; and this shadow being - this hidden subconscious self, is the identity of the Daemon we most often fear. This demon is our right brain; the purveyor of all things psychic, telepathic, the mind that functions in a misty fashion outside of time. The utilizer of symbols, magic and metaphor. The Daemon may also be emotionally driven, as opposed to our ego insistence for left-brained logic and linear reason. The Daemon works by association, poised in a hall of memory mirrors, and is the harbinger of warnings and prophecy.
The Daemon is the voice who speaks when channeled, the one who moves the planchette, and who has been called the Djinn or Trickster of man. This is the nature of the subconscious mind. And thus we meet the Demon, and he is us.
And that is the reason for the search for unity that impels us all. We are driven to become one, because the left without the right is a poor construct indeed.
As I see the dilemma of duality, what has happened is this. Man, in his present state, is an incomplete creature. We are caught in a temporary state of evolution, and must cool our heels until nature gets around to the future dissolution of the corpus callosum - the bundle of nerves that serves as a bridge between the hemispheres. One very excellent book which explains the above in well researched detail is 'The Lost Secret of Death' by Peter Novak. I cannot recommend this book highly enough, and all serious students of the psychic should have this book at their fingertips.

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