Gray Aliens Examination -welcome to the conspiracy....

This site is dedicated to the close encounter experiencer and open minded individual seeking to further their understanding of alien abduction amid the complex phenomena surrounding the Gray Aliens. Side issues may include Beings of Light, Reptilians, dreams, self hypnosis, telepathy and ESP as well as taking a closer look at the alien species itself in the grey alien examination series.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

The Light Being - Making Contact


Yes, it is a good question, isn't it? And I don't see why we, ourselves, cannot initiate contact, nor should one automatically assume the impossibility of such. (And if you happened to read my previous post on the pineal gland, you may consider if that in itself is not a means by which to reach the 'other side').
Nevertheless, I've been doing a lot of thinking (act surprised) this evening, and here I will confess to a thorn of long-standing in my side, or stick in my craw, ... which is:
Why must contact be so one-sided?!
Irregardless of whom/what it is we seek to connect with; God, Michaeal, the Being of Light, the Reptilian, the Gray Alien, our higher-self, Soul, past - present - future self, whathaveyou.
You know, I have mulled over the concept of a novel based around the idea of someone who takes the bull by the horns, and stubbornly storms the gates of Heaven, deciding that he shall go forth of his own free will. It intrigues me to consider that we blindly accept as a truism or mark of faith that these things are somehow beyond the ability of man.
And while I mull over the idea, like a strange wine against my lips, I find the flavor enticing with the desire to further sip. What would it be like, please consider, IF we could enter Heaven at will? If we could pick up the phone to reach the party of our interest? Why must I always answer the knock, but never be the one to arrive?
Enough prose, you get the idea.
So. In scientific realms, not only light but matter as well share an entanglement. Whether particle or wave, the connection is always present - therefore the road goes both ways. And since there are such phenomena as telepathy, telekinesis and clairvoyance, this road is traveled often if not understood.
Furthermore, time and space are largely concepts that apply to our own sense of self-placement, and our brain's ability (or lack thereof) to assimilate data into information we can understand and better utilize, all according to our fallible sense receptors. So again. If all roads not only lead to but also from Rome, then common sense would dictate that the ability to reach out and touch someone (or something) is not actually beyond our capability.
Which leads us to the million dollar question - if we could, or should, then how can we initiate contact on our own terms?
First, we must understand that when we exit the interstate of subjective and objective reality, it is CRUCIAL that the experimenting ego be well aware that what he will then experience cannot and should not be viewed in the same way that one evaluates lunch at a concession stand. There will no longer exist the same standard for self and other. To believe otherwise may be to risk grave emotional/mental harm to oneself. I cannot stress this strongly enough!**
With that fully accepted and understood, only then may the mature, questing personality seek to plunge further afield.
And I'm not going to suggest ways by which to achieve this, for only through concerted learning and more learning may we do this, but I fully believe it can be done.
I recommend the works of Carlos Castenada as a good pier to jump off.
** The curious may wish to consider that they will undoubtedly meet their shadow side, those emotions and fragments of personality that exist beyond our waking awareness. Usually in the form of demons, demi-Gods, incubis and succubis, or whatever your subconscious chooses to embody. Whether Gray Aliens or Gods, keep a sense of humor, do not take anything as literal, and don't fight battles that do not exist. You don't need a necklace of garlic to fend off the vampires of your psyche, all you need is love... and common sense.
We are here to learn - to learn to use the blessed abilities the Divine has granted us, but we must earn the right, through experience and wisdom, to do so.
Finally, how would we be greeted if we suddenly 'popped' into Heaven for a cup of tea? I'd like to think that the Light Being would smile, and offer me a spoonful of honey :)
As for the Grays - who knows? But it might be interesting to find out lol

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