Gray Aliens Examination -welcome to the conspiracy....

This site is dedicated to the close encounter experiencer and open minded individual seeking to further their understanding of alien abduction amid the complex phenomena surrounding the Gray Aliens. Side issues may include Beings of Light, Reptilians, dreams, self hypnosis, telepathy and ESP as well as taking a closer look at the alien species itself in the grey alien examination series.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Gray Aliens Abduction and Hybrids III

Continued from part 2: Now then, when we divide the alien abduction hybrid breeding program up in to sectors (those culled from the main group of abductees and ear marked for at least one major purpose), the labels which come to mind include:
Group 1) humans abducted for the initial assessment of possible placement within ongoing alien projects. This of course would be the largest group, and many one-time abductees must surely fall within this sector.
Group 2) humans abducted for genetic material to be harvested. Likely, there exist sub-groups within this category.
Group 3) humans abducted for longer-term projects which may include the procreation of not only hybrids, but also normal human offspring as the next generation of 'cattle'.
Groups 4) humans that are primarily an energetic food source.
Group 5) humans that are, for whatever reason, determined to be worthy/suitable (?) for additional gray alien involvement, such as schooling in the areas of alien language/symbols, and all the rest.
Group 6) humans that are valuable in the sense of species study; our social mores and behaviors, how we process information, what makes us tick, react and produce more energy/nourishment, how we anthromorphize the aliens themselves - how we worship, fear and relate [man vs God/nature, man vs man, man vs himself].
And these sectors are just for starters. I highly doubt that any human, once targeted, is 'wasted' in any sense, and certainly it is just as reasonable to assume that any particular abductee may very well be an unwitting participant in multiple categories. However, I still propose that, in light of the way we ourselves are careful not to 'weaken' our own herds and thus practice selective breeding, the grays also practice a similar agenda of not 'overworking' any one human via multiple agendas.
The Gray Aliens, whomever or whatever they are, are not stupid. Different perhaps, but certainly not stupid.
Again, as I've previously mentioned - to my mind as I see things at this time of consideration, the primary focal point of the grays' abduction program seems to be the creation of a being who can manifest and survive in our Earthly physical/frequency environment (or astral dimension if you like).
And I think when we truly begin to delve more deeply into the close encounter phenomenon, we will begin to see the logic therein.
However, I also do not suppose that this is the only agenda at work.
In part 4, we'll take a closer look at the hybrid beings themselves, and what their function seems to serve.

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