Gray Aliens Examination -welcome to the conspiracy....

This site is dedicated to the close encounter experiencer and open minded individual seeking to further their understanding of alien abduction amid the complex phenomena surrounding the Gray Aliens. Side issues may include Beings of Light, Reptilians, dreams, self hypnosis, telepathy and ESP as well as taking a closer look at the alien species itself in the grey alien examination series.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Grays, Aliens and the Master Planners

The Gray Aliens and The Invisible Hierarchy

Okay, back to the serious stuff. Now, one of the pieces of the alien enigma that fascinates and impels us toward greater questions, is that of whom or what is calling the shots in this game we call life. Without disrespect, I choose to disregard the overall God concept in this question, for the simple reason that 'God' is often used as a label, a stopping point or a pat, blanket end-game response that, unfortunately, raises far more questions than it answers. Sadly, the best we can do as far as the God concept goes is to fashion a resolution based on man's idea of God, which must certainly fall far short of the actual thing and doesn't really provide any more information than what we had before we posed the initial question.
With that said, let's start again with the question of whom or what is behind this alien abduction puzzle, besides the usual suspects, that is. While those of us truly interested in the alien phenomenon have heard mention of these many suspects - the Reptilians, the Tall Greys, the Nordics, the Light Beings, the Arcturians, the Pleiadians and so forth, there is another group of beings which one hears precious little about, but a group well worth a closer look or two.
This mysterious group is dubbed the Master Planners. These are the beings, reportedly, who, like a committee of heavenly parole officers (sorry, but for some reason I cannot think of a more applicable analogy - though surely one exists), oversee and council the developing soul, and on a much higher 'level' than that attributed to angels and spirit guides.
These beings, of which close encounter subjects (under deep hypnosis and other like states) are strangely reluctant to discuss in any great depth, are thought to be a branch of one of the very highest councils extant in heaven, perhaps close enough to the Light Source that they are themselves on the verge of transmutation into another 'form' of self-aware energy beyond what we can conceive. Indeed, these Master Planners are held in a state of awe, respect and reverence that humbles all those who stand before them. Souls in trance whisper hints of their existence, and state that their own spiritual guides aspire to someday, somehow, join the ranks of these venerable beings.
The purpose of this council appears, as far as may be determined, to act as a 'bridge' between their human soul subjects and a non-human energy source which is often sensed, though not seen or heard, to lay in close proximity to this area of the spirit world. Perhaps it is an unbelievably advanced/evolved self-aware energy source that is somehow involved or in charge of or, even further, has set the entire physical universe into motion, and seeks to fully comprehend the workings of those human souls in its charge - but may only do so through a third party 'translator' because there is no other common ground for understanding.
Furthermore, the reason I think this may well be close to the truth of the matter (at least as far as the Master Planners and human soul reincarnation/evolution go), is because it has been said that it has been so long a 'time', ages and ages as the soul measures 'time', since the members of this elite council have been 'in the flesh', that some souls fear the Master Planners cannot quite relate to the difficulties inherent in the habitation of physical vehicles and, thus, cannot fully appreciate and judge accordingly the efforts of the reincarnating subject.
Additionally, as the Master Planners act as a bridge between the mortal souls and what seems to be a completely alien energetic source, so in turn do the spirit guides act as a 'bridge' between the reincarnating soul and the council. It would then appear that as a 'soul' grows progressively more distant from incarnations and three-dimensional experiences in the physical vehicle, (as it sheds its humanity, so to speak) - so then does the soul shed its ability to comprehend and relate to the physical universe. And as this happens, a series of connections or bridges must be maintained in order that comprehension not be sacrificed.
This makes perfect sense. After all, what good would it serve to be a college professor of Calculas yet unable to execute such basic mathematical functions as addition and subtraction? Knowledge and comprehension would be sacrificed. One could run but never again walk.
And how is it that the Grays and other aliens might fit into this overview? Are they a bridge of a different structure, and if so, to what or whom might they report?

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