Gray Aliens Examination -welcome to the conspiracy....

This site is dedicated to the close encounter experiencer and open minded individual seeking to further their understanding of alien abduction amid the complex phenomena surrounding the Gray Aliens. Side issues may include Beings of Light, Reptilians, dreams, self hypnosis, telepathy and ESP as well as taking a closer look at the alien species itself in the grey alien examination series.

Monday, June 1, 2009

The Grays - Alien Abduction or Examination?


Humans strive so hard to know the unknowable. Our brains struggle with unfamiliar input and seek the closest reference 'on file'. We are eternally caught between the dichotomy of the symbolic versus the literal, and for any resultant error in the data which ultimately reaches our ego-consciousness, we have only our biological hardware to blame.

How can we then, in any real and objective sense, determine conclusively what the Gray Alien figure is truly all about? Do we see the iconic grays as such because they are images popularized both in media and culture? Some attribute the creation of the bug-eyed diminutive figure to the notorious occultist Aleister Crowley, some credit the work of early science fiction writers and illustrators, some point a finger to L. Ron Hubbard, or perhaps Betty and Barney Hill, or Kenneth Arnold who supposedly coined the term 'flying saucer' when in actuality he was simply describing the skipping movement of the UFOs and not their shape.

Be that as it may, there are also those like Jacques Vallee and, to a certain degree, myself, as proponents of the idea that the Gray Alien enigma is a type of ancient or evolutionary control system, and that the phenomena of little people and alien beings has long been with us.

In an recent post, I postulated the idea that The Grays and most of their ilk are objective, higher frequency beings that seek embodiment in our physical plane of reference. (And as I finish typing this line, I glance at the clock to catch the typical 11:11 ... sigh. Multiples of one, perhaps? But one puzzle at a time, thank you) - so to continue on:

Real or imagined, or some quasi-borderland betwixt the two (I suppose we could call it the Land of the Corpus Callosum), we find that every day brings with it an increasing number of individuals either claiming close-encounter status, or whispering in the ear of a trusted confidant that something strange happened to them just the other night! Either more goings-on are afoot, or public interest and awareness has opened a floodgate of the imagination.

But what is it that actually occurs during an alien abduction? Are these 'events' something our human brains simply fail to correctly categorize? Are we experiencing left or right brain dominance at the time of the visitation? How much, exactly, of the gray alien examination might be pure metaphor or symbolics?

Whatever it is, and maybe more importantly if the alien abduction experience is purely right brain metaphor, we must be ingesting this data with sufficient intensity of emotion to trigger a veritable stigmata affect when scoop marks, bruises and nose bleeds are the order of the day!

When a close encounter experiencer (CEE) speaks of being examined by doctors and having undergone medical experimentation by the gray aliens and their cohorts, what may be the accurate objective event is that of being 'examined' or 'watched'. Consider that the angels, light beings and aliens at large have sometimes referred to themselves as the Watchers. And the nearest symbolic image for that of being 'watched' or 'examined' would logically be that of a medical examination, for that is a likely image for the human mind to select in a game of charades designed to convey information via right brain pictures instead of left brain vocabulary.

A final thought. If the alien abduction experience might possibly be an objective experience couched in subjective metaphor, then it may be our best bet to attempt to communicate with The Grays in like fashion to see what happens. Perhaps we could gain just enough left-brained awareness and lucidity to shape the experience/examination, at least in a more positive manner. Instead of the helpless human swamped in a flood of over powering emotion, thus projecting God-knows-what to these beings, it may be immeasurably more productive to studiously attempt, through deliberate effort, a reciprocal communication through the use of well-placed imagery, instead of a fear based morass.

Especially if we are dealing with minds to whom images sent and received are the precise basis for communication upon which their species depend.

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