Gray Aliens Examination -welcome to the conspiracy....

This site is dedicated to the close encounter experiencer and open minded individual seeking to further their understanding of alien abduction amid the complex phenomena surrounding the Gray Aliens. Side issues may include Beings of Light, Reptilians, dreams, self hypnosis, telepathy and ESP as well as taking a closer look at the alien species itself in the grey alien examination series.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Crystal Balls and Gemstones

Why Buy a Crystal Gemstone or Crystal Ball?

Especially in the early years of holistic training and mind enhancement, objects such as crystal gemstones, crystal balls, pendants, and spirit boards are a recommended aid to help develop the all-important focus and clarity of mind.

(As I've repeatedly mentioned, one must be 'impeccable' in one's thoughts. There is no room for fence straddling, distractions, the yen/yang of conflicting desires, as the result is often a chaotic mess.)
Think of a crystal as a magnifying glass, whose purpose is to sharpen and bring into alignment the energetic focus of your thoughts. The better grades of quartz crystals come highly recommended, as they tend to resonate at a higher frequency than most other stones. Furthermore, as color and density are merely the tangible, end products of 'bent light' (think of the rainbow effect) - we would find pure quartz crystal to be the closest 'substance' to channel the light energies with the least amount of interference.

All is frequency, all is light. Mind is conscious energy slowed down to the vibrational frequency which manifests itself as three dimensional human density/mass. And in order to bypass, or work around the density issues, crystals, gemstones, crystal balls, candles, mirrors and much more besides are commonly utilized to harness the focus of pure mind under the direction of intent. And a better mind means a better body, as well as vice versa.

Basically, what a crystal will do is to resonate with the higher frequencies one wishes to impress one's desire upon, and teach the all-important lesson of concentration.
In the end, the desired goal of the student of consciousness is that of clear and steady attention, and the ability to maintain that stream of visualization without the left or right roof brain chatter we ceaselessly produce in our heads. As you read these words on your monitor, your hear them reproduced in your mind. We do this all the time, and it becomes an intrusive nuisance when one is trying to project a pure image or thought upon the Divine Source. So in order to assist in developing the clarity of energetic focus, consider the aid of a crystal gemstone or crystal ball, pendant, or similar item. There are so many beautiful crystals available for purchase! And the sheer joy of handling and focusing your attention on any one them will in and of itself enhance your spirit in ways that will ultimately prove productive.

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