Gray Aliens Examination -welcome to the conspiracy....

This site is dedicated to the close encounter experiencer and open minded individual seeking to further their understanding of alien abduction amid the complex phenomena surrounding the Gray Aliens. Side issues may include Beings of Light, Reptilians, dreams, self hypnosis, telepathy and ESP as well as taking a closer look at the alien species itself in the grey alien examination series.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Alien Examination and Close Encounters

What is it like for those deeply involved in the close encounter experience? Whether a lesson in enlightenment or a descent into despair, each of us has our own story to tell. More often than not, alien abductions merely stand out in our memory as irritating bumps on the otherwise smooth surface of our collective worldview.
1) I was small, maybe 6 or 7, and my parents woke me in the middle of the night and got me out of bed to see a house burning in the distance. The sky was blazing orange and I was very disturbed by this, especially when the next morning we couldn't find any nearby home that had burned. I felt something else had happened but I couldn't understand what it was.
2) When I was a little girl, around 4 I think, I would sit alone in my backyard and later tell everyone that the walking sticks were my friends. I don't know why, but I was very proud of this and told everyone about it. I remember something about the granddaddy long legged spiders; big eyes and super skinny legs. They might have been my friends, too but I think I started to get a little scared sometimes. Years later I began dreaming about UFOs, and missing babies and all kinds of weird stuff. I think I even saw gray alien people. They sort of reminded me of the bugs I thought were my friends.
3) I don't understand my dreams of aliens. I've seen the huge eyes, and lots of screen memories with things that I first think are my cats, but later they change. One time I saw in my head a great big image of a gray alien pop in. I swear it was looking at me!
4) My husband has had missing time. Once, he was on his way home from work and somehow lost three hours when it only takes 30 minutes to drive the distance. He was really shook up about it. He's also seen lots of UFOs! Me, I've woke up in the night to see little gray aliens standing around my bed. It bothers me some now that we live so far out in the country with few neighbors around. Sometimes I feel like I'm being watched at night.
5) I'm psychic and have lots of crazy dreams and things happen to me. I've seen dead relatives a few times, and aliens sometimes, too. I know this sounds crazy! I've woken up with bruises and dried blood on my nose, I couldn't figure out how these things happened either.
6) What bothers me is when I dream that the 'bugs' are trying to get in my eyes (or my head). There are these alien bug things that will get into my head if I'm not really careful. It really scares the h**l out of me when I have those dreams.
7) Sometimes I've seen myself on an operating table with a light overhead, and once I was surrounded by a groups of gray aliens examining me, one was bigger or had bigger eyes or maybe he was just closer. But he came close to me and held out his hands to show me a thin rod with a tiny light at the end of it. Just like a regular doctor showing me what he was going to do next, and I was a little scared. The alien wasn't mean, he wasn't really anything. Just calm and matter-of-fact about things.
8) They showed me, these aliens ... it looked like a screen on the wall to my left, like a TV or computer screen. And the grays were explaining there was a problem in my bowels or such, and they needed to fix or adjust my body, then they showed me two gadgets - like little rods - they were considering using, and when the alien decided on the big rod, well, I got nervous and asked them to make sure they were going to put me to sleep. Just like having normal surgery, all very sensible. But the one gray explained to me they couldn't/wouldn't put me to 'sleep' but would do something different. I had the impression that they would do something to my memory. Then the next thing I knew was it was around 3 or 4 a.m. and I was having severe diarrhea cramps and went to use the bathroom. Sitting there in pain was when I remembered the dream. It just suddenly popped into my mind while I was sitting there in the bathroom! If the Grays were real, I wonder what they did to me.
9) Dad worked at the 'Cape' as he called it -Cape Canaveral in Florida during the mid sixties. He was an ex-navy man, had worked at the Fernald Atomic plant before relocating his family in Fla, and he liked to laugh that he had a higher security clearance than some of his supervisors at the Cape. He got to know some of the astronauts, too. Anyway, not too long before his death he told me about having seen a large, cigar shaped UFO late one night, gliding silently up and over the river just a few blocks from our then-home. He said he knew it wasn't one of 'ours' and that UFOs were real!

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