Gray Aliens Examination -welcome to the conspiracy....

This site is dedicated to the close encounter experiencer and open minded individual seeking to further their understanding of alien abduction amid the complex phenomena surrounding the Gray Aliens. Side issues may include Beings of Light, Reptilians, dreams, self hypnosis, telepathy and ESP as well as taking a closer look at the alien species itself in the grey alien examination series.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Gray Aliens and the Unknown Elixer of the Watchers


As utterly ludicrous as this may seem, there is such a significant catalog of cautions scattered throughout mythos, spiritual texts and anecdotal accounts regarding the consumption of proffered food and drink, by agencies unknown, to the unwary human mortal, that it bears a closer look than is generally allotted.

We already know or at least suspect to exist some type of relationship between the gray aliens, the human deceased and the Watchers with all that entails. We do not know why our dead are sometimes seen in the company of the grays. We do not know why we are watched by visitors unseen, angelic or extraterrestrial or any flavor thereof.

What we do know, however, is that it is not uncommon for close encounter experiencers (CEEs) to be offered (coerced, enticed, insisted, bullied) liquids and even foodstuffs by these complex creatures. Not only that, but, as mentioned, our literature and legend abounds with such instances, and often the resultant consumption certainly does not appear to be in the best interest of the human subject.

Frequently, as in the case of the fictional Rip Van Winkle (based on legends as existed at that time), there is a definitive loss of consciousness and time.

Near Death Experiencers have, upon rare occasion, noted their having been cautioned against partaking of any food or drink as offered them by their (seemingly - at least in appearance) deceased loved ones. One woman remarked on being cautioned by her dead father that to do so would prohibit a return to her physical body and keep her in the 'spirit world' forever.

The ancient Gaelics held that it was dangerous to drink and dine with the little people, or leprechauns, and warned against such.

And the list, should one care to research, goes on. And on.

Thus said, the question at hand is why? For such a myth to still exist, in light of our present day familiarity with drugs, hypos, pill, implants, topical compounds and all the rest of the pharmacological array most of us are accustomed to ... why then, if these anecdotes are nothing more than sheer story telling and fabrication, do we not imagine those things commonplace to our everyday world? After all, that is what psychologists suggest that we do, when we fabricate or experience subjective events - we piece these from the fabric of our familiar environment.

Why then are we still dreaming of indistinct, threatening, dark eyed humanoids who urge upon us bitter liquids to swallow? Why then do our dreams grow dark and memory lost after we so imbibe? Logically, wouldn't it be both easier, quicker and to the point for the aliens or the dead to simply prick us with a needle? Why all this fuss and bother with the entire drama of coercing hapless humans (and raising a subconscious red flag in the process) into the tedious process of downing a nefarious liquid or foodstuff?

Taken literally, at least in measurement against man's own ability for covert action, this type of trickery seems both immature and inefficient, to say the least. Especially when they've been using the same method for supposedly hundreds of years, or greater.

However, when the above trickery is seen from a symbolic or metaphoric level, which seems the most appropriate manner in which to untangle the factual event from that which the subconscious or right brain has shaped for our perusal, we find a glimpse of a clue as to what the experience/remembered event is trying to relay.

Even with metaphor, the only logical choices for action verbs based on the imaged event as experienced by the CEE (and remember, the right brain always speaks in images akin to charades) would be to consume, imbibe, eat, drink, take in to self, make part of .... and once this occurs, then our reality is somehow altered to coincide with the alien or non-physical realm. Somehow, according to the metaphor at hand, we must intake to be there, with them.

In other words, we must IN TAKE - TAKE IN (note the mirror effect also at work and par with right brain mechanics) in order to be THERE! (wherever there truly is ---- read previous posts for discourse on the where of it all).

So now we understand why the myth, legend and anecdotal accounts still stand in universal agreement with one another. And that is because the underlying message is that for mankind to venture into this other reality, we must first venture within. Or at least it's a darn good theory ;)

And who has not heard that THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN LIES WITHIN?! ~

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