Gray Aliens Examination -welcome to the conspiracy....

This site is dedicated to the close encounter experiencer and open minded individual seeking to further their understanding of alien abduction amid the complex phenomena surrounding the Gray Aliens. Side issues may include Beings of Light, Reptilians, dreams, self hypnosis, telepathy and ESP as well as taking a closer look at the alien species itself in the grey alien examination series.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Secret of Miracles


If there is anything we have learned from self-empowering methods as taught through Affirmations, Down the Rabbit Hole and The Secret - it is that each of us possess the ability to shape and mold our lives, to fashion the events that come to us, to modify our past, and to live in the glorious moment of NOW with the greater understanding of what that implies.

As Don Juan impressed upon Carlos Castaneda time and time again, a warrior must be impeccable in his thoughts. Translated into modern day idiom - the above simply refers to the absolute necessity to visualize, maintain and, above all, not to waver in one's thinking.

As illustrated in 'Down the Rabbit Hole', matter ultimately bends to mind. There is a solid, scientific basis for the production of miracles. At the fundamental level of reality, as best exemplified via quantum mechanics in the double-slit experiment, wave and particle are inseparable. What this implies is that once the mind interferes/observes a 'thing', that 'thing' cannot help but be changed by the mind's entanglement upon it.

As revealed in the incredible book (which inspired the bestseller 'The Secret') entitled, 'The Science of Getting Rich' by Wallace D. Wattles - originally published in 1910 - Creative thought and the disallowance of conflicting, negative influences is all that is required to manifest that most desired.
The SECRET to achieving one's heart desire lays soley in the complete understanding of how reality works, and the part one's mind/emotions plays in the mechanics thereof.
First, take as an absolute (at least for the moment) the following:
1) The nature and function of 'reality' is that of a MIRROR.
2) Whether slowly or quickly, or through the plodding sequential illusion of cause and effect, self will ALWAYS be made manifest (reflected back to self externally) - THIS IS AN INESCAPABLE TRUTH! (when such happens rapidly we see this as the bizarre coincidence called 'synchronicity' - which is no 'coincidence' at all). The fundamental equation might read as thus "subject self = objective experience". Again, this is the nuts and bolts of what you perceive as your day to day existence.
3) Your emotions are the 'gas pedal' of your experiences. Use your fuel properly and not wasted on conflicting ideology, the opinions and negativity produced by those around you, and always keep your emotions channeled in the right direction.
4) Visualize, believe and manifest. Focus your thoughts around the assumption that that which you desire has already been created! Since our true reality is that of timeless energy, time therefore is always in the present moment - or NOW. Do not, I repeat, do not allow past experiences or future fears to shape your 'now'. All is irrelevant except your dedicated focus in the now.
5) Give thanks to God, Source, Nature or the Universe for that which you desire.
I want to further stress the importance of resisting that which is called 'negative thinking'. Patience is indeed a virtue, as is faith, and both are necessary facets of the Mirror Effect of consciousness. Remember, that while we cannot nor should not attempt to control the thoughts and actions of others, we are ultimately responsible for our own thoughts, actions and reactions. Be compassionate always in the your dealings with others, for thereby you are extending compassion to yourself.
In my next post, I will outline the miracle program I've evolved for my own usage, one created from my own successes and that of others.
Believe me, I've experienced some incredible synchronicities and miracles galore! And if I can help one other person, just a little or maybe a lot, then I would be blessed beyond words! Besides, we all need the occasional reminder of our own glorious potential, and to turn our attention to better things besides the fears that daily beset us.

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