Gray Aliens Examination -welcome to the conspiracy....

This site is dedicated to the close encounter experiencer and open minded individual seeking to further their understanding of alien abduction amid the complex phenomena surrounding the Gray Aliens. Side issues may include Beings of Light, Reptilians, dreams, self hypnosis, telepathy and ESP as well as taking a closer look at the alien species itself in the grey alien examination series.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Gray Alien Abduction and Hybrids V


If the Gray aliens are going to so much trouble to create a species of being capable of manifesting in our three-dimensional environment, what purpose would this serve and would be we, as supposed 'natural' human beings, detect the intruder? Indeed, would the artificially created quasi-human - God knows how many generations down the line - even be aware that he, himself, is not wholely of this world? Perhaps the same could be said for any of us? And with that thought, so many possibilities are exposed that we may as well turn to the pages of science fiction for answers or toss the whole enigma into the trash barrel!
Yet, As suggested by the controversial '12th Planet' series by author Zecharia Sitchin, the Sumerian epic of Creation (from which the Hebrews later borrowed to pen their own version of Genesis) revolves around the bio-engineering of early man by a race of alien beings (the sons of God, et al). As outlandish as the above may seem, it becomes less so when we take the long view of man's current advances in the fields of bio-engineering, nanotechnology, space exploration and future agendas such as terra-forming the planet Mars. I think the real outlandishness lays not so much in the idea that such (as described by Sitchin) is possible, but that it could have been done to us!
Man's psychological makeup is such that he swings like a pendulum between the extremes of self-loathing and despair, to the heights of ego-mania and imagines himself lord of all creation. And that is another hurdle we'll eventually cross.
But back to the notion of a passable hybrid and purpose thereof: As I mentioned in my last post, these hybrids display a tendency towards an aloofness, an awareness (at least this particular generation of hybrids do) that they are not as we, and that they have been created with a distinct purpose in mind, and they serve this purpose with an allegiance to the Grays that leave many abductees baffled.
From my own personal experience - be it subjectively real or otherwise, I can affirm the above and add that the very reserve, dignity and sheer dedication to this 'higher purpose' these hybrids display is its very own ball of wax, and can sometimes be felt as almost terrifyingly intimidating. The alien abductee, in sheer contrast to any earlier notions of being special, chosen or otherwise coddled, begins to feel as but a bit player in a cosmic drama beyond his or her wildest dreams. Furthermore, some of this dedication rubs off on the abductee and they, too, may become indoctrinated to the agenda. Down the road, I want to explore this notion of what and whom it is we may possibly serve.
Now, as I said, it would be temptingly easy to toss the entire 'hybrids among us' idea into the trash bin, but for a few benchmarks stuck in my craw. In reference again to the work of David Jacobs, one passage of particular note was that of the male hybrid who crowed with delight as he lorded over his female project his ability to 'walk out that door and nobody would know the difference'! He repeatedly threatened to do so, much to her distress. He literally exalted in this new-found ability! Furthermore, he was dressed the same as any other human, in jeans if I rightly recall. The hybrid knew he could easily 'pass' muster and emotionally browbeat the woman with this knowledge.
Another instance of merit, (one that I seriously have analyzed to arrive at some remarkable conclusions - again, I'll go into this in a future post) - was one in which the male hybrid tried everything in his power to force an emotional reaction from his female project, who insisted on remaining in a passive and detached state as a means of escape. He physically and intimately assaulted her, taunting her all the while, until finally he ceased his attack and gave up in sheer disgust that he could not provoke the desired emotional response from her. Now, if this had been no more than fantasy on the part of the female abductee, it is highly unlikely she would have confabulated the male hybrid's intimate assault on her to have been so suddenly abandoned. I'm trying to phrase this as delicately as possible and still get the point across (no pun intended lol).
Anyway, there are many accounts of similar behavior by the alien hybrids and sometimes the Gray aliens themselves. Additionally, there are (too) many otherwise normal human beings who feel themselves to be somehow alien inside (perhaps as a subconscious metaphor for 'different') or actually believe themselves a Gray in disguise, in one way or another.
The writings of popular alien researchers aside, I personally was related a lengthy account by an individual that absolutely smacked of the hybrid presence/project. As she told me her dreams, red flags popped up all over the place, but for fear of influence, I kept these flags to myself. What she related were dreams which involved the arrival of a group of three beings with intensely dark and enlarged eyes, one of which she had a strong emotional attachment to and was bonded with in some manner that defied her understanding. This being had the ability to understand her thoughts, though not as we would define telepathy, per se. And on occasion he would be 'amused' by the nature of her emotional thinking, to the point she was deeply humiliated by both his breach of her privacy and belittling, condescending attitude.
Time for lunch, more to come ;)

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